163 thoughts on “Douluo Dalu – 129 – Xiao Wu Isn’t Human

  1. THANK YOU BAGELSON!! Haven’t even read this chapter yet but two releases in less than 18 hours is already worth of worshiping.

    (Not to even mention my post in 127)


    • And after reading can’t help but “fangirl” all over. So Awesome!

      Manhua might have ‘spoiled’ things but epic all around. And this new story arc is much better represented (or started at least) in manhua than the continental spirit master competition was.


  2. Thank you very much for the translation.. Though the excitement was gone thanks to the manhwa haha 😆


    • Hold off on the Manhwa if you can (unless you find it to be the superior edition), that way you can get the excitement from the better of the two


  3. oh Yeah ! Bagelson is da BOSS yo !


  4. Thanks so many chapters I just hope the next one will be soon too (I can’t help but want to know what will happen next with Tang sans father here)


  5. What about the jade ox in star luo forest isn’t it also a 100 thousand year old spirit beast can it become like Xiao wu


    • Wait for things to reveal, why are you asking? Someone might add a spoiler.

      I think you can make a educted guess how Xiou Wu is a human now (if you have read too much Wuxia and saw how no-human turn human).

      PS: It will probably be similar but with a twist.


  6. -screams- thank you very much!
    ah, i had suspected that Tang San had known Xiao Wu’s secret,though i didn’t know what that secret was. The appearance of two hundred thousand spirit rings?! Also, Tang Hao!! -trembles with excitement- definitely one of the best chapters! For the love between Tang San and Xiao Wu, for the solidarity of the Shrek Seven Devils, the two hundred thousand spirit rings, and Tang Hao’s appearance!-screams again-

    Liked by 3 people

  7. SO great~! *uhuk!* So romantic! Finally! The special words have been said~!

    — Thanks for the chapter and your hard work people~ ^^. Or should I just say you? hmm..~! Anyway thank you very much~ :).


  8. I predicted her not being human (probably a titan ape), and I figured Spirit Hall wasn’t going to let Tang San leave and he would have to be rescued by his father… Still fun to read, though 🙂
    Now I get to rub it in my roommate’s face because he told me I was wrong about her 😛


  9. Thanks for the great work 😀
    Oh these daily chapters make my refresh button burn 🙂
    So much stuff in one chapter *-* Finally Tang going all in on Xiao Wo and then the Title Doulou showdown just awesome ❤


  10. I hope that bitch get that hammer in her face.
    She must want to capture xiao yu for her beast ring she is already a title douluo so she can absorb her ring right now. And I think her 9th ring is xiao yu mother or something like that.


      • no, i think she dies because of the last pontiff, i think they are chasing her because of her spirit and tang hao kill him but she dies because of him

        and because he didnt did save her in time or something like this
        he becomes a drunker


    • I don’t think so.Tang Hao was really powerful before Tang San’s mother death. Thus he had already obtained the Red Ring. How? Still a mystery but maybe…….

      PS: I don’t think things about Tang San’e mom has been cleared yet. BTW did you read Manhua and come here? If not good. Else your assumption is based on stuff revealed on Manhua.


      • i only read until the start of the second fase of the tournament
        after this i got bored and stoped

        i think this because they say in the ln something like he went in reclusion not much time after he becomes a douluo 90+ and he leaves the sky school because of problems with the pontiff and they are the cause of tang san mom death

        the one who say this is the prince to tang san
        but he didnt know any further

        first i think his mother is the last supreme pontiff but now i think the pontiff killed her


  11. God damn it, Xiao Wu is going to die in the final battle and become Tang San’s final ring, isn’t she. Ugh.

    That, or Tang San stops hunting spirit beasts from now on and becomes a different flavour of OP.

    My thanks to you.


    • What I am Saying: Too far, not even close. I think.

      What I really want to Say: There are 300+ chapter and I don’t think any harm to Xiao Wu which is to come will come that far in future. If any harm is to come, it would come in near future.

      Saying from the experience of reading other Wuxia. Not any by “Tang Say” but others.

      What I could not Say: Hmm! a too normal easy theory/prediction.


  12. Didn’t Grandmaster mention that Tang Hao’s last spirit ring neared the 100 thousand year level, not at it. If I remember correctly he said it was black with a hint of red.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad,i hope we can get rid of her off the story, to never be seen/known again.

      God bless..


      • Erm…yeah. Sure…Don’t know what you expect, but she’ll be back. If the author intended for her to disappear, she would likely have died just now and further fueled Tang San’s hatred for Spirit Hall.

        So, I’m willing to bet everything that she’ll be back soon enough.


      • you won’t get rid of her, back when they entered shrek on a flashforward dai mubai said tan sang and xiao wu were title doulou so no getting rid of them any time soon, even if it looks like a spoiler it’s not it’s been told on this same LN already


      • I don’t know why there are people hating Xiao Wu. I like her very much. Up until this point, everything she did makes sense. Her complete devotion to Tang San, her pure love for him, her bravery to stay together with Tang San even though it may cause harm to herself make me respect her more.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Probably because the manhwa, since she is a bitch there. I hated her too when I start the LN because the comic, but in the LN she is a great character (I dont understand why they created so much scenes with her being a bitch in the comic)

          Liked by 1 person

          • I read the LN before starting the manhua. Frankly, the manhua sucks badly. The biggest problem is with Xiao Wu. In LN, she is a super lovable character but the stupid artist took all of her good personalities away. I couldn’t stand when she forced Tang San to say he loves her during the Valentines in the manhua. Needless to say, i dropped it after that


      • Nope. She’s gonna be back. There’s nothing wrong with having a strong female lead. Your hate for her is highly illogical. I can’t seem to imagine why Xiao Wu would make you hate her so much. Perhaps you’re the same as the person who’s been littering ‘I hate Xiao Wu’ comments around the blog? It’s not very nice.


    • You didn’t like her cause she was hiding something? Then what about Tang San? He’s hiding the fact that he’s reincarnated… I just don’t see why people don’t like Xiao Wu so much, some even HATE her.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I’m baffled as well, i like her as well, nothing i’ve seen in this entire novel has shown me anything i should hate about her and as far as Tang San goes she’s the perfect wife, heck i haven’t really hated any major characters at all in this novel, they all fit their purpose well.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I personally find it annoying that she’s ‘invincible in close combat.’ Throwing people isn’t THAT effective a combat style, but it’s the only way she can hurt them. Now, I know the setting doesn’t have advanced martial arts, but still. Nobody can block her, nobody can stop from being thrown, and they all go right down when thrown.

          Bleh. Just get tired of it and her playfulness and stuff at times. Would like to see her become serious for some reason other then Tang San. Meh. I can deal with it. As you say, her devotion to Tang San makes up for a lot.


          • She is over 100k years old, she can throw 15 yr old kids around if she wants to. And her attitude? She gives no fks, considering how much power a supposed 100k year old spirit beast is supposed to have. You expect a title dulou to care about weak 15 yr olds? I can appreciate her character knowing her background, it would have been crazy if she was mild mannered and nice.


          • You see a bunny being serious possible? Just considering she over thousand years old mean her power should be stronger than tang-san. Why would she use more of her beast power, if people are gonna see she is a beast and try to kill her?

            If i say to you that most magician would lose to her magic because it involve speed/auto-cast and teleportation would you be surprised? Because that’s what happen here. Yes Tang-san is op but Xiao Wu was still able to beat him many time in 1v1. That alone should make u understand Xiao Wu win alot bc she is also strong as hell

            Magician beat the FIghter, The Fighter beat the Technician, the Technician beat the Magician.


          • She uses Jiu Jitsu, like the mma fighters, I consider this a very powerful close combat style. If she can go close to the enemy, she will be really a troublesome, like any Jiu Jitsu fighters.
            The descriptions now are very different from the real Jiu Jitsu, but in the beginning of the novel she used armlocks and twists in legs or necks. So I think that the author imagine her like a Jiu Jitsu or Judo fighter. She used even reduce the force of her strikes, afraid to kill the enemies.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Basically my answer is similar to those of Gustavo and imyourfather.

            Firstly, she’s not ‘invincible’ as her throw has been blocked at least once that i can remember before, also throwing people IS THAT effective, especially when you add in the strength of the people involved and her method.
            As for advanced martial arts the author established early in this novel why its so hard to block her as it was a hard task even for tang san when he didn’t use his hidden weapons and like the rest of the team her throw is a spirit ability and even then its one of the more flexible ones because of its physical nature, and the reason why u can’t stop it usually after she gets you is that she uses your own gravity to help with the throw so unless u can defy natural physics on a profound level or your simply WAY stronger than her your screwed, and lets not forget close combat in general has its weaknesses.

            In terms of playfulness its the same for both Ning Rongrong and Fatty, they are all serious when they need to be, she had her serious moments especially when it concerned Title Douluos, the spartan training the shred 7 devils all went through, life and death batles and as you said matters regarding Tang San, they are all alike in this.


          • She can be countered. She uses a lot of throws, which is one of the most dangerous ways to street fight, by the way. Her skills also focus on her lower body, which is already extremely strong naturally (trying to block a well trained kick with your body is just going to end up with you in the hospital for shattered bones). Also throws don’t require you to have that much physical strength – it requires the ability to redistribute your enemy’s balance and power. This is probably what makes Xiao Wu so deadly + her soft bone skill which makes her extremely flexible and hard to catch. Her entire build has been pretty well thought out. Add to that her Paragon Body and teleport skill, she /is/ practically invincible in close combat.


      • It’s only in the manhua that I don’t really like her because the manhua portrays her as a brat. In the novel, I really like her. How her and Tang San are very pure is very respectable. And I agree that everyone has secrets, otherwise, where would we find a good novel to read?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I think it might be because of the shitty webcomic. The person who did the webcomic really stripped down all the female characters and made them horrible. I love Xiao Wu in the LN and she’s really well done.

        And true that, don’t forget, Tang San’s entire life revolves around hiding things. Otherwise, how would he be a hidden weapon master???


    • it was hard for me to like her too because I first started reading the horrible manhwa.
      her character is very different, I hate pony tail and I don’t like carrot.
      but now it’s okay It took time but now I can read this without thinking about xiao yu manhwa version


  13. Ooooo the suspense, if all clans and two empires now turn there back on the spirit hall, it be all out war


  14. Thanks for the chapter , Bagelson. Huhuhu… Can’t wait to see Tang Hao way to deal with the spirit hall.. That B*tch pontiff, I hope she was killed by Tang San when he become *tut. Tut. SPOILER*


  15. Cant wait to see how tang hao trash all spirit hall’s title doulou…
    Anyway thanks for the chapter…
    Bagelson you’re my man…!!☺


    • Why? They won fair and square and the spirit hall promised the bones to the victor. Therefore they would lose a lot of face to the spirit community as a whole if they reneged on their promise. Just because Xaio Wu is a spirit beast she wants to capture/kill to feed to her disciples doesn’t mean that the non-spirit beasts don’t get their reward. Besides which, she might also be thinking that she intends to kill them later anyway and will recover the spirit bones then.


  16. I rencetly began to read the manwhua version of Douluo Dalu and they are BIG inconsistency between the two, but they seem to be from the same author, Tang Jia San Shao. Could somebody explain me why they are so big difference between the two. Is it because the other wanted the manwhua to be more easy to uunderstand or is it because he wanted to change the original story because he didn’t like it.


    • The manwha is based on the story, but like comics and movies tell different stories from the books, the comics are made for a different audience…younger, liking more ‘cute’ things, who would be put off by talk of casually killing things by the teenaged heroes. It’s also a visual medium, so you’re looking at it to enjoy the art as much or more then the story, since it’s visual, it’s also much easier to draw comic booky superhuman stuff, and MUCH harder to convey a tactical, involved battle, where you’d probably have to end up diagramming stuff to accurately convey what a less precise wording allows people to imagine happening.

      So, a great deal of the story simply cannot be conveyed without walls of diagrams and text, so they simply ditch it and go for straight, powerful images that are easier to understand, and more the comic book ‘no killing by heroes’ Saturday morning cartoon line.
      A prime example is the Fight against the elephant school, which relied immensely on involved group tactics and positioning – where exactly who and what were.
      Easier to skip it and go right to ‘combine powers and form Voltron, and beat him anyways’, because everyone understands the trope, and it is MUCH easier to draw. It also very accurately conveyed the tropes that: martial arts allow you to defeat much stronger foes; speed trumps strength; nerve strikes are supremely dangerous; and everything has a weakness, all tropes of historical martial arts enshrined in the culture, and accurately conveyed.

      It’s a different story built along the same ‘character’ lines, but the ‘action’ lines are different because a written story can rely on your imagination to fill in all the holes, where a visual story has to ‘show’ it to you, without all the ‘unspoken’ data that the written word fills in for you.

      You have to appreciate it as a different style of story, for what it is on its own.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I appreciate that the manwha clued me into the existence of Douluo Dalu. I also appreciate that only fourteen issues of that piece of crap was out at the time so I had to switch off to the LN. I couldn’t go back to the manwha after reading the LN. They didn’t just dumb the story down. They lobotomized it.


        • Exactly! >:T They essentially stripped all the characters of core characteristics (Tang San’s deadliness – which comes back in a really weird way in the webcomic, how Xiao Wu doesn’t seem to have the tempering of a 100000 year beast, etc. etc.).


  17. “Raising his hand to swipe his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, a bright light immediately appeared in his palm. Immediately, everyone present were in an uproar. Who would have thought that Tang San held on to yet another spirit bone?”

    And again Tang-san revealed things he didnt have to making more enemies for the Seven Devils.

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    • Yeah, that part bothered me a bit too. The whole thing about Spirit Bones was to keep them as secret as possible. Tang Sang could’ve easily given the spirit bone to Ning Rongrong in private. Giving to her in a public forum didn’t make sense to me…


    • True, he really should have revealed it later and in private….however she belongs to one of the most powerful and respected schools and he is already marked for death anyway…so might as well go for broke.


    • Who exactly do you think is willing to come after them after seeing them beat a team that was obviously more powerful than they are? Not even going into the powers backing them.


  18. Check and read Zhan Long if you guys are bored and waiting for new releases. I promise you it wont be a disappointment!


  19. Poor Xiao Wu… stupid move coming here, but I still feel a bit of pity for her… don’t blame Spirit Hall in trying to kill her… but still feel sorry for her…

    That said, isn’t the Clear Sky hammer too tyrannical? I get that attack masters will have a better pressure than others, since theirs is offensive, but to over power 7 title douluo and all…

    And Poison master is the weakest of the Title Douluo, but because of his poison skills, will be able to fight and survive against other Title Douluo… that’s what I seem to understand.

    That said, out of the around 20 Title Douluo, 4 wanna protect Tang San while 7 wanna kill him….


    • I think his dad is a bit special in that regards and he more than likely has very high quality spirit bones helping him out as well.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well, as far as i can see, it states that he overpowered the three others, not all 7 title doulous. Although he does say that them having 7 means jack shit. And well, as Generic said, most likely, he has tyrranical spirit bones on top of it all…. that man is dangerous. Earlier he also said he left to “get back something”…. i wonder what that “something” could be. i presume this also means that either Bibi Dong or Tang Hao may have been the one that killed Xiao Wus mother.


  20. alright something is wrong….when tang hao showed his spirit rings to zhao wuji his last ninth spirit ring was black with a hint of red indicating that it was a 90 thousand year old ring ..but now suddenly his ninth ring is a red 100 thousand year old ring??? how did it change?


    • I think that the author didn’t really plan ahead, the same thing happened with the spirit tool avatar
      when tang san “fought” against that dude that used illusions he used his seventh spirit ability “nightmare” but we now they tell us that the seventh spirit ability of a tool spirit master is tool spirit avatar.


    • I could explain it now, but it would spoil some of the novel, for you.
      But it will be explained and you’ll have to be a bit patient because it’s going to be a little while more before it is. The wait will be worth it, though. 😀


  21. I can’t wait till Vigorous God Tai Tan shows up. He is Tai Long’s (who is sworn to protect Tang San) grandfather as well as the leader of the one strength clan, which was stated repeatedly as not being weak, plus there is also Ning Fengzhi and his 70 rank pagoda which can easily strengthin Tang Hao’s already super impressive Spirit power.

    There is also the fact that if the do attack, hidden weapons would no longer be prohibited…

    On a different note, everyone clearly states that Xiao Wu is a 100,000 spirit beast, if this is the case, why does she still require to cultivate to increase her power?? And does that mean if she’s killed she’d leave a 100,000 year spirit ring?


    • I think you could call it “Reborn as a human”, since it seems she’s just like a “normal” human with an awesome spirit


  22. I called it, I fucking called it. At around chapter 80, I told myself and a friend that both Xiao Wu and Tang San’s mother were spirit beasts gone human. I CALLED IT!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Didn’t dugu bo know bout her being a spirit beast.?
    Back when he first appeared at heaven imperial academy he should have seen that she was not human..


    • Bagelson is the translator. Not the author. But i get your point. Well at least the title is general and not specific.


      • I realise that – but there’s no reason he can’t change the title as it’s his/her blog. And I get how it could be construed as general like “so strong she’s not human”… but I think most of us had an inkling that this was the case so it kind of spoils things if they happen to look in the “new chapter” box.


  24. So Tang Hao also has dual spirits? Or is Hao Tian his brother? The guy who showed up in chapter 20 clearly did not have a red spirit ring. And also, it was never made clear what tool spirit he was using at the time. Something is really weird, since it’s been clearly stated getting rid of a spirit ring is permanent.. you cant replace it.


  25. Just a slight nit.

    “knew the enormity of the gap between them”

    Most people these days assume “enormity” as “big”, but that is wrong. Enormity actually means “big crime” or “notorious”. Basically a big wrongdoing, something along the lines of mass rape and murder, think Nanking, not a measurement. This is one case where adding -ity to something changes the meaning. The actual word to use might be immensity.


  26. Oh Yea Crush It, Cruch The Hall, Into Spirit Sized Fragments.

    Well It Makes Sence, That Shes A Spirit Beast,
    They Litterly Spelled It Out, For us.

    The Info Below, Could Be Deemed Spoilers, For The UnFocused, Thus,
    It Is Here To Show You, What You Might Have Missed.

    I Analyse Everything, I Read And Remember It To At Least 90% Accuracy.
    Take It As You Want, This Is Just Me Sharing, Some Facts.

    These Facts Are All Accumilated During The Story Thus Far, Spoiler Or Not,
    I Do Not Really Care, As They Already Said: ” Shes A Spirit Beast ”
    I Just share The Most Obvious Facts Given.
    For Me They are Just Fun Facts To Take Not Of, Nothing More.


    * GrandMaster Told Tang That Spirit Beasts Attack Powers Aura,
    Is The Same Color As thier Rings.
    Xiao Wus Aura Turned Red After Her First Spirit Release,
    Equals 100.000 Years, This Was Around Chapter 6-11

    * Xioa Wus Love For Spirit Beasts, Questioning The Killing Of Spirit Beasts.
    Would Not Have Caught My Attention, If Not For The Early ” Red Aura Explanation. ”

    * Xioa Wu Even Knew The Names Of Both, The Giant Titan Ape And ” Blue Bull Headed Python ”
    Even Calling The Python, Aunt ErMing.

    * Even Before She Used Thier Names, It Surly Showed Us Thier Strong Bound,

    * Her ” Spirit Release ” Is The Most Detailed, Yet, Most Closely Resembled Transformation
    Of All The Described Spirit Beast Type Spirt Masters Transformations, So Far.

    * Cultivation Of Spirit Beasts Happens As They Age, They Dont Need To Meditate or Practise.
    She Was The Most Relaxed One, Seemingly Carefree Towards Cultivation.
    Raising Her Rank, When Needed, Raised a Flag

    * 100.000 Year Spirit Beasts Supposably Gets Spirit Like Abilities After 100.000 Years.


    So My Theory Is As Follows:

    ” The Acquisition Of Spirit Rings, Thats Acquired Through Meditation ”

    Could Be Because Of The Abilities That She Gets,
    Is Really Her Own Abilities.

    Not Something She Absorbed.

    Just something That, To Me Makes Sence,
    Through The Given Facts Above.

    Take Care Everyone & Of Each Other


    Do Not Really Know If Anyone Cares For My Post,
    As There Is Already So Many Commants Here.
    But, If You Read This ” Release Of Thoughts ” A Hug Goes To You.


  27. Funny how they all say that MC sacrficed the most and he deserves one of the spirit bones but the moment he gave his spirit bone to the girl it canceled him getting the other spirit bone. So basicaly MC gained nothing.


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