164 thoughts on “Douluo Dalu – 159 – Xiao Wu, My Beloved, We Finally Meet Again

  1. Is it odd that I’d completely forgotten about Tang San’s hidden weapons until he used them here? After spending years focusing on his spirit level and spirit abilities, it really added to the unexpectedness of him using them.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I don’t feel bad for her at all. When you breed hatred in your heart, it only feels like karma that you turn to love your nemesis.

      So people, remember not to spread hate. And as I say this, I hold a very special place in my heart for the people spreading hate and violence. It is the heat that fuels my dissent.


      • “It is the heat that fuels my dissent”
        Hey, english isnt my first language. So if dont give you much trouble, could you explain the meaning of this phrase? Especially the “dissent” word in it sound weird, I google it to make sure it has another meaning besides disagree and couldnt find it. It woud help increase my english’s understanting a little bit more.


          • Contextual lapse. What he is dissenting from has not been identified. Otherwise, grammar is off; “it is what fuels my dissent” would have been correct.


          • Actual understanding of a phrase is not always an exact process. What you said does work- that is replacing the “dissent” part with aversion. However if you read the whole post you will notice the OP is generally disagreeing with people that hate, with their trait of hating others.
            So the general understanding would be: he/she has a special place in his/her heart for those that hate. The feelings that he/she gets when considering those people are totally opposite to OP’s beliefs thus resulting in dissent and fueling (and thereby the use of “heat”) a constant cycle of displeasure.


            • I’m glad to see a discussion started on my comment.

              I believe people give meaning to words and context is indeed relevant. For me, dissent means disagreement. In this very context it is disagreement with spreading hate. At the same time, it is also a way of expressing disagreement with a broader range of issues. For example, it can also express disagreement with the position of other people who sympathize with Hu Liena.

              The expression “heat that fuels” is a metaphor and I believe it to be correct. Even though English is not my first language, I am quite certain the grammar is correct. I agree it sounds a bit off but in the heat of the moment I considered it a nice, poetic way of expressing something… pun intended.


    • I feel bad too but in Tang San’s defense he didn’t force Hu Liena to do what she did or make her fall in love.


      • He did use it to his advantage though, He used her trust of him to get her to let him come along with her group. That is what really annoyed me, the abuse of trust is disgusting to me.


        • So, your reasoning would have been: “I sense that the people that want to kill the person I love the most are nearby hunting him\her. The action that would have the greatest chance of success and saving the life of the one I love would be to blend in with this group, but I won’t do that. I’d rather my loved one die than me betray someone’s trust.”?


  2. Thanks a lot—-!
    my reaction to seeing the title of the chapter was…’-raises hands in air- Yes—!!’
    Well—tang san acted at a good moment! Yes, they have finally reunited! I feel bad for hu liena, but, it couldn’t be helped. I knew it was coming all along, after all.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Gosh i love this novel its so interesting I have so mutch fun reading it. I want to thank you and encuorage
    you to keep going. Big Thanks from Poland Bagelson !


  4. Booya! Tang Sang busts out the awesome! This was a good chapter. I’d love to see this all drawn/animated in a way that actually did justice to this text.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Also, I really thought he might throw a Yama’s Needle thing. It would be awesome if he could take out two Title Duoluo in one shot. Either by distracting them to let the two beasts break free, or just out right killing them both. That would certainly cause a revolution in Spirit Hall and strengthen their opposition. 😀


    • I had the same thought. You know, just take the two big guys out at the start and let the beasts take care of the small fries.
      Was it possible? If not, can anyone point out to me why it couldn’t be done?


      • Fiest and formost: Xiao Wu’s safety > killing Title Dulou

        And then, if he’s not confident that his weapons could distract both them top dawgs, or break their concentration and their domain, then he wouldn’t risk wasting his element of suprise on it. Using it to escape is a wiser option.


        • Also, it’s possible the 2 duoluo have their guard up too high, not as much towards Tang San, but more in general, aka the risk of failure is too high, and since he only has 2 needles and they’re that hard to make he can’t risk failing with them, especially here. Managing to take out 8 spirit sages compared to a low chance at the titled duoluos, think he went for the “highest chance to inflict the biggest damage”.


          • I believe title Doulou’s have a natural barrier that will always protect them, they can’t be killed by anyone but another title Doulou.


            • Yama’s invitation was said to be able to kill title douluos before they can draw 3 more breaths (Talking about Dugu Bo, but he’s still a TD)


            • I believe Tang Hao stated directly the even before he got his 9th ring he could kick most title Doulou’s ass, so iunno about that natural barrier. The real problem with the Yama thing is the range. Tang San would have had to get close, and if he did that the spirit sages + etc would surround and kill him I’d guess.


    • Says in the chapter “Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo’s bodies had both disappeared as that gold and silver ring of light formed, and that giant ring of light had already flown into the sky” I’m guessing that Yama’s invitation would only work if if they still had bodies


  6. FFFFF, Finally the translated novel reaches the manga… Uff, I’m so curious if the novel goes the same way as the last scene between Xiao Wu and Tang San. I’m gonna die of curiosity. Thanks for the release.
    By the way, willing to be a proofreader/editor if it will help speed up the releases.


  7. Hu Liena was like: It’s the end of the world as we know it- It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine…

    Yan was like: Burn, baby, burn! Disco inferno! Burn, baby, burn! Burn the mother down…

    Tang San was like: I’ve got to get away, I’ve got to get away- I’ve gotta fly away…

    Xiao Wu was like: I wanna sink to the bottom with you- The ocean is big and blue, I just wanna sink to the bottom with you…


    • I can relate! I check the website everyday and continuously keep refreshing the page. I just caught up with the translations so now I’m waiting for new updates from Bagelson (good work!). By the way, how do you get email updates?


      • Donno if it’s the same for all browsers. But for me there’s a button to the lower right when I’m at comp, says “+ Follow”


  8. I’m still confused as to why none of them realized Tang San’s identity when he pulled out a clear sky hammer with no spirit rings. Isn’t it the case that soirit rings always appear when spirits are released?


    • I think it was, if the spirit rings appear, then the spirit will definitely appear. The opposite is not true, so you can have your spirit appear without showing the spirit rings.


    • it was said in the chapters or after the chapters of the slaughter arena that one can bring forth his spirit without revealing his spirit rings which is rather helpfull in the slaughter arena


  9. i just thought about this is but would Tang San be considered half-spirit beast half-human or full human, because his mother took the route of a human form?


    • Didn’t he say something along the lines of being half 100k spirit beast when he just found out about his mother? Not sure what he’s thinking atm though.


    • He’s considered full human, since a human form spirit beast in the mature phase (like his mother) is no different from a human.


  10. Well as much as I feel sorry for Hu Liena that her feelings aren’t reciprocated beyond that what does she have to be angry about? Sure he hid his identity, but the fact that he dragged her though, got her a deathgod domain and didn’t kill her when he had the chance didn’t change.

    And now, he could have easily killed her brother, he didn’t and he could have easily attacked her as well to remove the next leader of Spirit Hall, he once again didn’t.

    I’m hoping that she’ll be angry for a bit but then calm down when she realises that the person she knew Tang Yin isn’t that much different from Tang San and if he really wanted to be her enemy he could have completely crippled the next generation of Spirit Hall by killing it’s most important people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, he did manipulate her feelings to mess up the mission personally entrusted to her by her surrogate mother, and assassinated seven of her subordinates and injured her brother from ambush.


      • It’s not so simple as that. Yeah, from her point of view it seems like he’s a douche, but add in his mother’s death, his father’s crippling injuries, the hunting of Xiao Wu, and the attempt on Tang San’s life during the tournament, Tang San has every right to do what he’s done.


      • He abused her trust to save Xiao Wu’s life. There is nothing wrong with that. He has never even hinted at being interested in Hu Liena, and had previously warned her that they may be enemies later. This is equivalent to the brits spying on the nazis in WWII. Is he lying to the spirit hall people and Hu Liena in particular? Of course. Is it warranted? Given the previous actions of Spirit Hall, he’ll yes.


  11. Thank you Bagelson! Thanks for new chapter!!

    Damn. Tang San totally used his chance to surprise attack Spirit Hall’s experts. I wish he had KOed/killed more so there would be no pursuers. Now I wish they can escape safely =S
    I want the next chapter! No wait… the rest of the arc, pls.


    • You’re not the only one. I actually wonder how people can feel bad for her. I mean, as far as I can remember, Tang San was always cold towards her and didn’t try to advance their relation in a romantic fashion. He treated it fairly even though she was and is his enemy.

      Not everyone gets their love returned. I’ve been in that situation practically every time I cared for a girl. You don’t see me feeling sorry for her. And yes, I’m still alone. But life goes on.


      • You, sir, are an outstanding individual for being able to come to terms like that; i myself have experienced that and you are completely and utterly right.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I’m a girl and i dont feel bad for Hu Liena either! she’s not really the kind one! remember when she’s with the supreme pontiff and they hear about the number of people killed in the blue dragon sect etc? who cares about her feelings when she’s this cold to other people’s life! all of you who are feeling sorry for her are forgetting to be feeling sorry for all those who died trapped by spirit hall!


        • While I think she is a more interesting character then Xiao Wu (and personnality wise only, more fitting Tang San), don’t forget her life belong to Spirit Hall OR being labeled a traitor all her life and hunted down.

          Don’t forget that she was raise by Spirit Hall. She owe everything she is and have to them. The supreme Pontiff is like a mother to her.

          I feel like raise on a different kind of environnement, she would have being awesome. Unfortunatly in this world, being part of a sect is a lifetime commitement most of the time. It include being part of Spirit Hall as well.

          She cant quit Spirit Hall without being labeled a traitor and being hunted down. Being hunted down is not fun.

          I can understand why people feel sorry for her BUT not becasue of unquireted feelings. In my case, it goes deeper then that.


  12. this is the third best chapter ending after tang hao vs spirit hall and tang San winning the competition. it is this good. I knew tang San will stab them at the last moment. someone else said so too. this just brightens my day after arsenal’s win


  13. amazing work, i just started reading this novel and saw this new chapter came out today, I was just wondering if there was a way to donate to the translator so they can continue buying and translating raws.


  14. I don’t know why people think tang San is weaker, compared to the other seven/three devils because he’s only 59.

    If tang San would only cultivates his spirit power(not mysterious heaven skills, not constructing his hidden weapons, none of those) he would probable be a spirit douluo by now. Especially if he didn’t go to slaughter city. He gained seven levels when he left hell road and was with his aunt. He would have gained probable at least 14 to 20 levels altogether if not in slaughter city. But with his experience from the arena and fighting in slaughter city, it made him one of a kind with no hesitation to kill.
    So Instead of just rushing to gain spirit power he gain something far greater. Just that there makes him already stronger then his peers if used against them. Just like mysterious heaven skills.

    He’s balanced out, so over time he won’t have a weakness. It’s not like he won’t be able surpass the other devils in the future with spirit power now that he can cultivate.

    That’s all


    • Well, If I remember correctly, he should have gained only one level when being with his aunt; after all he did say at some point that his yearly advancement was really top notch among genius spirit masters, but never at gaining 7 levels in a year when he was at his aunt´s… though he did gain a bit more levels when he trained with his father for those 2 years.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. After seeing Ghost Douluo Dalu abilities, I had to slightly edit my fanfic on fanfiction.net LOL

    Still the only Douluo Dalu fanfic I could find. Maybe because I wrote it in English?


    Anyway, Thank you Bagelson for this chapter. You make my day everytime I see a update.

    The next chapters will be so… frustrating I think. I cant wait for this suspense to be over and finally find out if the manhuwa told us a big fat lie or not.


        • Early on when Tang San was fighting against Zhao Wuji. There was a blurb that said many years later, what evil eye white tiger douluo (Mubai) was most afraid of was offending the rabbit douluo (Xiao Wu) since that will in turn anger thousand hands asura douluo (Tang San).


      • Actually iirc it said that Evil eye tiger mubai would be scared to offend Soft Bones rabbit Douluo Xiao Wu because Thousand Hands Douluo Tang San would….. So basically we only know Xiao Wu and Tang San will be Title douluo. We are not sure even for Mubai, leave alone the rest. But what we do know is that Mubai will still be alive (i guess) so if the other two are Title Douluo, he should be too with his talent and the immortal treasure herb!


  16. Thanks for the chapter!

    Man, sorry Hu Liena. His heart already belonged to her. And he could have killed your brother but didn’t.

    That is a really freakin’ tragic love though.

    I am so stoked for the next chapter! Whenever that might be…

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Thanks a million times Bagelson-sama!! as always a fantastic chapter, translated and edited with care… I hope somebody takes care of you my friend because a lot of junk- *eeehm* readers would be craving their fix and go into a frenzy should anything ever happen with you. 😛 I salute you sir and await your next release ^^


  18. Thank you for the chapter!

    I knew the mawhua( or w/e) was actually nerfing tang san alot. He’s the one getting his meridian locked in it…
    + other stuff


  19. Thank you for the chapter!

    I feel happy for tang san and xiao wu but at the same time i feel bad for hu liena…


  20. Is there a way to donate to Blue Silver Translations? I would like to show my appreciation to them for translating so frequently. 🙂


  21. I’m not gonna spoil but… I hate what happened in the manga so god plez plez do not let it be the same…..

    My heart is breaking again….


  22. Thanks so much for the chapter. I have some theories, but rather than giving them away, just don’t forget Xiao Wu’s flower. The reincarnation of the flower goddess after she was taken from her lover…


  23. Just imagine if Tang San was reborn into Spirit Hall, the situation may be drastically changed. He might be together with Hu Liena hunting Xiao Wu for the 100K Spirit Ring, or something completely different conflict could be going on. So you never know what could happen if the story went another way. Blame the author for your feelings. lol


  24. Not trying to be a dick, serious question here, is bagelson uninterested with the LN or just busy with other rl things


      • Already bilingual, and Chinese would serve me close to no purpose aside translating this 1 LN. Instead of being a smart ass and reiterating what I said, I asked a question, you can answer or keep scrolling


        • he´s probably busy with studying or something, not really sure but i think he once said something about studying and if he is a student then he got it tough, from what he said he´s from Sweden and right now it´s like mid term exams or just weeks filled with tests and if anyone is wondering why i know that it´s just as simple as i´m a Swedish student myself!

          Liked by 1 person

        • Its quite obvious you ve never tried to translate a novel. Do you? Just translating 5k words is quite a tiresome feat . Even more if you add all the needed corrections . Btw bagelson is busy with work .


  25. Should i start reading this even after i read the manga version till it latest version?

    Any difference between novel and manga?


    • I’d say yes you should start from the beginning and read it. At first it’s not so different from the manhua version so it will seem pretty similar but things start to change especially later in the novel. While the changes in the manhua don’t particularly conflict with the novel in anyway. some things are made just so there is a difference and then never used again, like the whole created spirit abiliy from the spirit hall arena arc and then some tangents just don’t make sense and the more recent stuff that happened like hell’s road got totally nerfed and skipped in the manhua version so yes you should read the novel and yes there is a pretty profound difference, especially in the recent chapters.


    • definitely yessss.. if you can, erase all your memories from manga and read it here.. manga is a sh*t and you will see how such a great story has been abused unjustly by stupid chinese mangakas…


    • Completly different the manga is a crippled version made for 12 year olds where many parts of the story are completly different or not even there it is just sad.
      Same goes for other novels like Coiling dragon the manga is also completly different then the novel where important charakters and events get changed to fit an 12 year old audience


  26. I finished reading the manhwa version last june and i thought that there were soooo many plot holes, except for the drawing being good, the manwha really sucked. But now, i just finished reading this light novel.. ITS SOO GREAT!! except for slaughter city, i didnt like that one, toootally weiiird


  27. If you’re going to wait and do the entire arc like the tournaments that’ll be bad ass. Even if it takes a month or two I’ll like that more, especially what’ll happen without the cliff hangers.

    Also your in college, so I know how time consuming it is. So a big Thanks again for all these chapters, especially doing this for your spare time without getting paid.

    If I knew you in person, I buy you a buy or shots for being a bad ass translator.


  28. Man, I hear that, the comments above where everyone is talking about the characters involved, rather than the OP-ness of the MC’s OP awesomeboner, is really telling.


  29. poor hu leina.. I hope she wont be like the supreme pontiff, her master. She might lose her maiden heart and become completely ruthless now that she knows the man who she loved is her enemy and spirit hall’s enemy.. man do I feel bad for her. So sad


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