120 thoughts on “Douluo Dalu – 267 – Great Gift Delivery

      • No, not really. There are many cases of useless chapters, go ahead and read “Against the Gods”. The Demon Continent arc has many useless chapters which simply stretched out the arc pointlessly. Repeating information is useless and ATG repeats information around 20-30 times until it stops for a while. That’s pretty useless.


  1. Now that’s funny! I was chuckling and grinning during the entire exchange. I thought I would start howling with laughter, myself.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sometimes Tang San is just way too lucky. Near perfect spirit beast comes out of nowhere, and then people he’d want to kill, which would be bad luck for anyone but him, show up out of nowhere.


    • Well you wouldn’t want to read about the common things that happen off screen. No point in writing stuff that won’t be used later. If authors did it’ll never end.

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      • I can imagine if the 2 day flight to Sunset Forest was described in the novel…

        He flew over trees. Tall trees, short trees, some that just fell due to a fight between spirit beasts. Some had brown leaves but most were green. Occasionally he saw a river. Some were wide, others were not. There really wasn’t anything in particular to notice but this paragraph is here to fill up space as he flew to Sunset Forest blah blah blah zzz…

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  3. Gotta love how the author emphasizes the Pit Demon Spider is an evil beast so much. If not, this chapter would probably feel too much like bullying (although it still did for me). Having said that though, racism is a pretty poor justification for bullying so it doesn’t really work.

    Not that I’m particularly arguing against getting spirit rings or whatnot, just the manner of doing so displayed here, which is just bullying as said before. I eat mean regularly, that’s just the way of the world and all that, but the justification of ‘that intelligent race of creatures is evil, therefore anything I do to it is justified’, is very similar to the justification used for slavery.


    • well, they’re probably like how humans have bad people and good people. So it isn’t strange to find an evil spirit beast. So I don’t think its a matter of racism or bullying. If you’re confronted with something that is wrong, would you not do something about it if you had the power? I think that’s what the author was trying to go for. BUT. Because the author did try to bring it to the forefront, really highlighting the “evilness” of the creature, it did come off a bit too much. Like he’s just trying to justify Tang San killing it and not getting his mom or Xiao Wu mad/sad.


    • No, that beast is definitely evil and should die, after all, it interupted the intimate moment that I was looking forward to reading so much… It is definitely evil if only for that reason.

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      • Agreed, it shall die many times over. It shall find out how you should never stop a heart-wrenching, intimate moment that involves two very, very powerful “monsters”.

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    • i think you misspelled “retaliation” somehow with “bullying”. no matter how you feel about it, the spider attacked first. however the victim(s) feel justified in retaliation is really up to them. now, if you’re talking about tang san bullying the spirit masters, thats a totally different story, as they hadn’t actually done anything to him or xiao wu yet. THAT would make sense. but if you’re claiming that standing around minding your own business and somebody trying to kill you doesn’t warrant whatever vengeance you decide to incur, i think you’re a bit deluded.

      also that jump to slavery kind of proves my point. at some point slaves were war prisoners which LITERALLY = what i just said. a warring tribe or faction who put up a fight and loses, becomes the servants of the winners. while im certainly not saying that slavery in and of itself its justified, the winning/stronger side doing what they want with the people who attacked them most certainly is. not even to mention, considering the fact that the alternative to slavery was killing off entire tribes/kingdoms of people. which would you prefer, oh wise sjw?


      • I don’t think that the point was that this specific spider is evil – I think the problem was that certain types of spirit beasts (the spiders and the orcas for example, but interestingly enough not the sharks, even though they too can be assumed to be predatory beasts) are evil. And I kinda agree that that’s somewhat problematic, since it’s more akin to ‘People belonging to group A are evil because Group A’. It would sit better if cruelly murdering the spider was justified on grounds of having attacked first not on grounds of being a fundamentally evil creature, simply by virtue of being a Pit Demon Spider.

        I agree with you on the spirit masters though, but it doesn’t seem like a dichotomy to me – Spirit Masters belong to Spirit Hall therefore they are evil and can be treated cruelly. Pit Demon Spider is a Pit Demon Spider, therefore can be treated cruelly. In this case, the Pit Demon Spider did attack first – however, I don’t think that the outcome would be much different if it hadn’t.

        As for you point that slaves were sometimes war prisoners and ‘deserved’ it, because the winning side can do what they want with those who attacked them – how does this justification work if the attackers are the winners? If Fraction A is peacefully mindind their own business, Fraction B attacks them and wins (maybe because Fraction A is peaceful an therefore doesn’t/can’t put up a fight, mayba Fraction A fights but loses), then Fraction B is justified?

        Oh, and in this situation, the alternative to slavery would be not attacking other people in the first place. Because your model only works if aggressors never win.


  4. Hahahahaahaha, give Tang the academy award for best actor, this was great, Xiao trying so hard not to laugh, the idiotic spirit empire lackeys and the pathetic pit spider made this chapter a blast to laugh at.

    Thank you for the chapter

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the chapter! As much as I get that the author is just trying to be like look how op Tang San is now I would still like to see Xiao Wu do some fighting, and not just watching so much. soon I hope.


  6. Out of his 5 rings.
    2 were from evil spiders so this is fine.
    1 from snake plant or sth, this also seem vile.
    But his 2nd which give him Parasite never described before so may be it’s 50/50 to be bad plant.
    But how he gonna find his new 6th ring which originally Soft Rabbit without hurting his wife feeling?


  7. “With her man to rely on, Xiao Wu wasn’t inclined to exercise her brain,”

    Ummmm… ROFLFSDOifsdh Did the author really write that?? LOL! In all seriousness though, I want Xiao Wu to exercise her brain and body *frowns* She’s supposed to be strong too, I want to see it. She shouldn’t just let Tang San have all the fun.

    Thanks for the chapter 🙂


    • yeah… chinese… so wrong… evil people… should kill them all and get their spirit rings…sexist bastards… I want a 100k spirit ring from an evil chinese emperor spirit scum… xiao wu wouldnt mind


    • I agree… sadly, for some time now Xiao Wu has shown the strong tendency of joining the ranks of the many, many supposedly strong female characters, who somehow never get to show their strengh… because… reasons…

      I mean, why would they *have* to if there is a strong *man* there to take care of everything that could trouble their silly little minds?

      Liked by 2 people

    • He used the first 5.
      Put out the last 4 in case he needed them ’cause he didn’t want to take any chances, but they weren’t needed in the end.


      • no he skipped over his 5th ring because giving it to her would kill Xaio Wu. Other then her own ring his 100k rings are too much for Xiao Wu to handle at her present cultivation

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        • his 5th Spirit ring is his very own Spirit ring as half spirit beast he have one, the Blue silver King just awaken it for him as he became the new Blue silver emperor and since it is his own it can grow according to his cultivation like the 8 spider lances, no wonder it evolves into 100k Ring because he has 100k+ year cultivation inside him

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        • he did not need to give it right away since it is his own SR as BSE, he can only gave it after the other rings included all until 9th ring, it is equal to Xiao Wu giving her ring as sacrifice if he do that.


  8. I previously asked if the spider would have time to regret it’s choice in targets. look like it did.

    I can see it’s thoughts now “*slurp* yummy pray… WTF! Oh god… I have run.. run run run RUN HIDE!” “please leave please leave”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for the chapter. It has its good and weak points :
    – Tang San can be a good actor, thanks to his aunt.
    – He is looking for max spider’s hate to increase the chance of having a spirit bone.
    – He discovered his mental detection hisn’t perfect. So he knows he’ll have to be careful.

    – But how a douluo could not feel anything about the trident ? It’s a joke.
    – This chapter could have been shorter without any problem.

    Thanks again


    • It’s a divine tool and it’s not like he was currently using it so it would probably not give off any energy fluctuations or whatever. This isn’t something that is commonly seen, it’s almost impossible to find for most as even many Title Douluo haven’t even heard of it, so it’s not surprising he didn’t feel anything. God power > Douluo power


  10. Was I the only one hoping tang san would use some method to make the spider kill the spirit masters and like this making it stronger (since by the spirit beasts logic instated is that it gets cultivation trough consuming their oponents), imagine if it eats a spirit douluo (lvl 90 already) and other experts, so tang san could get an even more powerfull spirit ring… and I think the spider could do it, since a surprise attack proved that the spirit douluo was careless enough to get killed without even releasing his spirit….

    And also, tang san not so OP at all, he just one shot some1 on the same lvl as him… since hes also at lvl 90 or 91… but since he also got an HS on the ghost douluo without hes latest 2 100k spirit rings and bones we can accept it… RIOT please nerf tang san!


  11. I was hoping for an interesting change of pace like Tang San feeding the spirit masters to the Spider to make it 100k, before killing it to maximize the benefits he’d get or something. Instead, it’s just the ole “you dun goofed and kicked a steel plate”.


  12. Thanks for the chapter – very funny.

    Contains one of my biggest peeves of all though – a reference to Mt Tai. So annoying and stupid that Authors do this.
    a) how does someone in a fantasy world know about a mountain on Earth?
    b) a 5000ft mountain in most wuxia doesnt even qualify as a hill let alone a mountain worth referencing.

    Sorry, needed to vent.


  13. anyone know where to find an actually translation of Douluo Dalu 2, the farthest I’ve seen is chapter 30-something and then it was dropped(cookie-pasta translations). Last i looked their was a mention and a link to another site on here but it leads to a protected blog that i cant get into. If anyone can give me something that is past the manhua(manga) it would be great.


  14. “A hundred eight thousand jin fell fast”
    I mean… really?

    This world of them should be very different from ours if there something with more weight fall faster… couldn’t let this one slide

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    • So technically all things fall at the same rate on our planet when released from rest. It doesn’t matter how heavy it was, he couldve released a pencil and it wouldve fell at the same speed as that trident. But thats just based on the physicics of our universe. So yes obviously they are in a different universe so that may not be the case for them.


      • You’re mixing up acceleration and speed. If you’re looking for a sensible interpretation just think that the trident fell near to the fastest possible speed it could, the opposing forces of air resistance and the man holding it are negligible relative to the weight of the trident. No need to be so quick to regurgitate a science tweet.


          • maybe the “fell fast” wasn’t a comment on its acceleration toward the earth but rather on the how the man couldn’t resist the force even for an instant so it immediately fell instead of like say, held up for a few milliseconds before it fell? or the fell fast simply meant that it took a few seconds for it to fall. I mean, the author didn’t exactly state that it fell faster than anything? just that it fell fast since the guy couldn’t hold it.

            On the other hand, given that as I recall, this world is huge, the laws of our physics might indeed be quite different. But I think the literary description was more about how the spirit hall dude couldn’t hold it up.


  15. So I started re-reading this to pass the time between chapters, and I just finished the part when they said you can’t replace spirit rings.

    So I was wondering if it said anywhere why Tang San is able to do that now.

    Is it because he is inheriting the sea gods power? Or that he has the blood of a blue silver emperor? Or the sea gods light is what does it?


    • If I remember correctly, if Tang San had removed his spirit rings and revived Xiao Wu the way he originally planned it would’ve been like that, but because he used the sea gods light it follows different rules. Normally I would call the author out on this but it is the tool of a god, and if the god can create the perfect spirit ring for you then I have no problem believing that he can remove them with no side-effects. It is a bit of a copout though, I can’t say it isn’t lol.

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    • Nah, Of Course it is originally impossible BUT! the Douluo Dalu Law States that ‘In every law present to this continent, Tang San is exempted to most of it.’

      Basically Tang San is prepared to give his all to this resurrection process and he expecting to at least it cause his entire Spirit Master career as payment but it turns out that its unnecessary to do that, having the protection of SGTrident the entire process is safer and since Xiao Wu’s body’s cultivation isn’t as low as it is the first time Er Ming and Da Ming assess it so the outcome shifted to much favorable side leaning to Tang San since it’s come to this he gave only the Spirit Rings that Xiao Wu can bear plus the her own 100k Spirit ring and Tang San surprised that he need not to give the other 100k spirit ring to Xiao Wu, afraid that she cant bear the power and burst. Tang San is not crippled cause of the various factors that play to his advantage, there’s his left leg spirit bone regeneration, SGLight, and so many 100k Spirit Ring plus 100k Spirit Bone as Replacement for Xiao Wu’s SB, it will only lead to his OPness than being useless after resurrection as Er Ming has predicted.


    • If I’m not mistaken, it’s partly because of the Seagod’s light but because of his mother’s spirit bone: that bone’e effect is regeneration. They said before that the main effect of tearing these spirit rings apart, is crippling him BUT thanks to that spirit bone, he wouldn’t be crippled in the first place. And don’t forget that his 5 100k spirit rings put together amount to more cultivation than most title douluos can hope for!

      In other words: Tang San is a monster…


  16. Hey bagelson and thanks alot for the translations! Greatly appreciate your hard work! I was wondering what language is this Novel written at??does anyone here know? is it cantonese or mandarin? probably a stupid question but i’ll still ask hehe. I really want to learn chinese because of this novel, but I was pondering over which of the two i should learn because i cant seem to find out, whether this novel is cantonese or mandarin. hehe. Maybe it is simply chinese??? Greatly appreciate a reply. Thanks.


    • I grew up speaking Cantonese and I learned Mandarin in high school, and I can say that some sentences in Cantonese and Mandarin are the same and can be directly translated, but they mostly have different grammar structures and because of that have different writing systems and characters. There is a written Cantonese but it’s mainly used in Hong Kong, and most people who know Cantonese write in Mandarin because they know that more people would understand it, but because they’re almost two different languages it’s not an exact translation and mostly paraphrasing.

      So basically learn Mandarin since it’s more common, and only learn spoken Cantonese if you go to live in New York City Chinatown or something.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks alot for taking your time to explain it properly, really appreciate it! Time to learn some Mandarin! firstly gonna watch some youtube videos. thanks alot again for the reply.


  17. A few extra words from the spirit hall chap and we would have seen the Thousand hands Asura (Doulou). . . Sigh. . .I think it would have been fun to see him get pissed of at people again


  18. rasah do tekon apdet! ko yo ono dewek

    (I’ll bet no one would ever understand that, not even Tang San lol!)


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