156 thoughts on “105 – Spirit Fusion Ability, Drifting Snow

  1. Just a question, why is Tang San so heavily affected by the cold? Didnt he eat that pimped out ice herb together with the fire herb, shouldnt he have the same kind of resistance/imunity?

    Liked by 3 people

      • But he was locked down by Shui Bing-er´s first spirit ability so many times, and her second ability broke his binding. And he constantly comments on the cld, which shouldnt be anything compared to the tin yang well.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Being resistant doesn’t equate to being fully immune. It still affects him, but less than it should. Like for fire, I quote: “My Blue Silver Grass, is fireproof.” That means that instead of ice|fire being a weakness, BSG is resistant against it, but not immune.

          Also, of course it doesn’t compare to the Fire & Ice well, but comparing instant ice and constant ice is different. The well was always the same so with a long time, it was easier to withstand. The skill was instantaneous which makes it harder to be immune, but faster to resist it too.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Huh? He was restrained by the ice because it’s solid ice, not because it’s cold. And yeah his BSG is basically immune to fire except for possibly a 100th ranked Fire Spirit Douluo lol


    • Yes, he is immune to the cold, but he isn’t frozen. The way I see it, it creates a block of ice around him, restraining him. He isn’t frozen himself, but he is restrained in a block of ice…… sounds weird but thats how I understand it.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Being restrained by a block of ice is different than freezing yourself. Also, he needs to protect himself from the storm because of the reason that Bagelson mentioned. If he was dealing with cold itself, it wouldn’t be too much. But, unlike fire, ice is a solid that can be used to damage his body.


    • He got called out by Grandmaster after the fight with Blazing Academy for revealing that his spirit was fireproof, so maybe he’s deliberately concealing the fact that it’s iceproof in this fight? Just a guess, of course, and probably the wrong one…


      • In the fight with Blazing academy it stated that the abilities he defended against were pure heat, no force of explosion or such. He’s immune to fire and cold but the force of an explosion or the physical aspects of ice are just that.. physical. BSG has a rather incredible tolerance to physical considering it’s nature but neither he nor it are immune to physical aspects, only aspects of pure cold and pure heat. If it was a wave of below freezing wind blowing across him he’d likely feel nothing aside from the push of the wind but that isn’t the same as being encased in ice, he won’t freeze to death in it but at the same time he has to physically break the ice to escape. An explosion being the same aspect, he’d be immune to the heat of the explosion but the force aspect would still damage him/rip apart Blue Silver Grass.


    • Immune to the heat of fire and cold of ice, but not to explosion of the fire ring or physical restraint of the ice blocks or the cutting edge of sharp ice.


      • yes but they “burst” they didnt cut the vine, it sounds like it was frozen by the ice and then poof. even in the beginning, they made it certain that his vines were weak against both extreme heat AND cold. figured the two immortal treasures would protect him from both… but i guess they leave him weak to something… or might just be an oversight from the author…. although that seems unlikely, probably intentionally left it weak to the cold.


        • Not really… I mean, even if the BSG wasn’t frozen from the inside, the air that’s touching around it could be frozen, thus indirectly freezing the grass…. so it isn’t really the weakness to the cold itself.

          And the “burst” was an actual attack. So they went through the vines through actual force, something that could push you…. it wasn’t the cold itself that’s the problem.

          Tang San and his BSG has immunity to actual temperature, not the force… so enough heat to melt stone can’t hurt him, but if that heat had some sorta force (like for explosions), he’d be hurt by the force….

          So his river grass won’t freeze from temperature or anything like that, but it can be stopped from moving.

          Fire isn’t as physical/solid as ice after all, so being immune to the cold isn’t enough to deal with Ice users and won’t bring as big of an advantage as heat resistance would be to flame powers….


  2. So exciting!!!
    will tang san survive this attack??!!!
    Can’t wait to see what happens!

    thanks for the chapter! 🙂


  3. Ha. Another fusion ability. But they shouldn’t be able to sustain it for long in theory. And then the two most troublesome ones will be worn out. In theory. Guess we’ll have to wait and see, lol.
    Thanks for the chapter.


  4. does anyone know when this competetion part is over (chapters) ? it’s been very interesting and I look forward to the next chapter to see the finish but if the next 80 chapters is going to be all about progressing in the competition instead of skipping ahead I think I’d rather take a break from reading this LN for a while..


  5. Recap: 7 Shrek vs 5 Skywater (2 being pushed out from the arena). 6 of the Shrek encased in BSG with a Black Silver Grass protecting them. 1 Spider web was thrown against 1 fusion ability of Ice. Who would win? Fusion ability or Ice resistant Spider web?


    • I forgot to thank Bagelson-shifu for the chapter! 3 days wait for this is always better than anything! It felt like a good pause before giving us more. Kepp up the good work Bagelson-shifu!


  6. Oh translation, for you to have returned. I thank thee!!!!

    That said, I wish these girls all just joined Tang San’s harem…

    Also wish he stated “Naive” again to the badass sexy lady….

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gonna try to shed some light on his fire/ice immunity deal: fire is just heat, it is a state can’t be ‘held’ but can be felt, and his immunity to fire removes/suppresses that heat/feeling and the harm it can do.

    Unlike fire, ice is ‘solid’, and prolonged exposure to it will gradually cool the surroundings down to its temperature (ie frozen state). BSG’s immunity to ice would then prevent it from being ‘frozen’, however it does nothing about a frozen piece of ice that acts like a solid wall encasing the BSG.

    Ice/fire immunity = immune to temperature changes. BSG can go through fire safely (cause it is not solid), but will be obstructed by ice (which is solid).


  8. Seriously, another opponent that he has an ability to perfectly counter? That is getting slightly tiresome.


    • with the talk about how great the Spirit Hall team is i expect he won’t show the Eight Spider Lances here but be forced to show it to beat the Spirit Hall team


    • i expect with the talk of how strong the Spirit Hall team is, he won’t use his Eight Spider Lances on this battle but be forced to use it against the Spirit Hall team to win…


  9. Finally an actual challenge shows up for the shrek devils! Im excited to see if he can come up with something to win now! Ah the Suspense!!!XD


    • Tang san gets red eyes and grows horrifying spider legs? curl up in the corner and regret every decision you’ve made in life that led you to angering him.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Fuck yeah bro. *Reveals second spirit* VIPs see. Oh shit, this kid’s from the clear sky school. *Orders to stop the match* *Orders everyone to kowtow to Tang San in the hopes of getting spared* *Tang Hao arrives; beats up the VIPs, captures that bitch control master, orders his son to rape her thoroughly* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


  10. lol the moment they started to use their fancy ice magic, i knew they’re screwed. No matter how strong their abilities were, they were destined to get Shrekked :))

    Thank you for the chapter, awesome stuff 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Next Chapter [Iceproof Blue Grass]
    Shui Bing-er: “FU Tang San, you can’t be immune to every element, that’s cheating you know?”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Xiao Wu replies: “Bitch you don’t who you’re messing with! We are the Shrek Acadamy and we are monsters who doesn’t give any shit from anyone, including elements!”

      I was thinking about using Tang San but it doesn’t work in my case!


        • I doubt she would need the “right to be cocky” she seems to enjoy it when her opponents are in chaos or shock regardless of who or why they are in that state 🙂


        • What are your thoughts on what exactly Xiao Wu is? Is she just a girl raised by super monkeys, or is she the avatar of some oher really awsome spirit beast?


          • Well with the chapter that she had tang comb her hair and the various references to her mother we concur that she is a human not an avater or “human” form of a spirit. As to the raised by super monkeys bit I would say Xiao Wu and her mother lived along side Er Ming (is that right? what I mean is the gorilla) , the Bull head serpent (oriental style dragon), and other spirit beasts in a form of coexistence. I am saying coexistence because when the gorilla came to pick her up she said that she was sorry that she couldn’t stop Tang and the others from killing spirit beasts. So in conclusion my two guesses of Xiao Wu’s origins are 1st: She is from a clan that revoked the world’s practice of killing spirit beasts to gain rings ,and instead chose to go into the forest to learn to coexist with spirit beasts in peaceful harmony, which in turn they either found or were taught (the bull serpent maybe?) an alternate method (remember when she meditated earlier in the series?! )to gain spirit rings and power.
            2nd(and it’s a dozy): She’s from a clan of human/spirit-beast hybrids (no crass jokes please you know what i mean this is the internet after all.) Humans with the ability to cultivate like spirit-beasts, but at the speed of human spirit masters. But this could also be the method I referred to in my first origin possibility. Sorry for the sloppy flow for this comment but I was really hyped while writing it. So what do you guys think of my theories?


            • The first method would make her even more hated. It would mean that she could save all spirt beast by sharing her methods but decides not to letting spirit beasts die. Not that there is really anything wrong with killing spirit beasts, considering they would kill humans and spirit beast alike just like a human.
              They even gain cultivation increases by eating other spirit beast.

              The second theory i see as a possibility because it covers most bases, I wouldn’t doubt it and i believe it to have merit.


          • I have a totally different idea about what happened to Xiao wu and it’s not very pretty what if the spirit beast was Xiao wu’s relatives you get the picture… still I’m very curious about Xiao wus identity.


          • my theory is she is maybe a one hundred thousand year form of a spirit beast .only because the story has of yet never spoke of any human or clan that can of their own will create a spirit ring for themselves. they do mention that as they mature spirit beasts tend to transform and they one hundred thousand and they did say they one hundred thousands year beast are a extreme rarity which many have never seen . my second theory is that she might just be the offspring of mabye a humanoid spirit beast and human?(that ones a little far fetched i kno lol)


  12. I thought his blue silver grass was ice-proof?? hmm… is it just me or did it just say he’s exhausted? am I missing something here?


    • He is cold-proof, but if they use knife from ice, of coarse he is not immune to that. And even if you are ice-proof, what stops enemy from encasing you in ice block. Yes, you don’t care about cold from it, but you still can’t move.


      • Well Tang San wouldn’t be so rash as to only bring out 3 members of the seven devils. If he truly didn’t care he could have forfeited so he obviously has something up his sleeve, and I think he can easily escape the ice encasing, he just chooses not to in order to lead the other team in the same way he did the fire team.


        • I think he’d only bring out 3 regardless. He’s to much of a tactician through and through.

          1. They dont need to win to go through the qualifiers. While it would be nice the neccessity to win isn’t there.

          2. They are too close to the next stage of the competition. And the final 5 are already decided. Even if they’ve already shown 2 others of the Shrek 7, they wouldnt risk refreshing anyones memory or showing off any more if their ability. They wouldnt want to risk counter measures being made before the next phase.

          3. They had no prior knowledge of the team and their abilities but they’ve won every fight of the qualifier with their current setup. And successfully have pushed teams to take them serious without even showing 50% of their true power. They have knowledge and experience. This last fight teaches them adaptability to unknown situations.

          Either way whether they win or lose. They still gain far more benefit than if they came out full power or not. Not thinking they’ll lose, but Tang isnt going to recklessly show off their true abilities just to win a fight they dont need to.


          • Yes I agree with everything you have said, but given Tang San’s determination to win I don’t think he would concede a victory just like that. Last time he brought out three was because he knew he could win. This time I don’t think he will make an exception. Of course I only base this in the fact that they have yet to lose in any match that they actually had to face, besides that I would totally be with you on your points but it doesn’t seem like the author is about to let him loses to someone as insignificant as this. Please excuse any errors, wrote this from my phone.


          • Are you sure? So far Tang is an amazing Tactician but has he ever conceded in his 14 years in that world? The answer is no, not once.
            (expect for the recent forfeited matches but he can’t compete without a team can he)

            1. From the beginning he never backed down even when he faced rank 70+ spirit ancestors, rank 80+ Douluo and even a title douluo.
            2. He could have hid Oscar and Hell White Tiger fusion but decided to fight for victory anyway, as well as his Alchemical body.
            3.Could he call the tournament a complete victory if he truly lost even once, he is affected by what others think and will resolutely defend his Academy.

            Your work are what Grandmaster would believe but forfeit for Tang is not just an idea, it’s out of the question (not even an option)

            He has show off their strength in fight he didn’t need to win because he doesn’t just see the big picture of winning the competition but sees the picture of the impact he wants to leave on the world, shaking it to its core.
            If Tang father will come when he is strong enough to help him then how can he let himself loss to anyone?


            • They only forfeit to make it seem like they suffered serious damage at the effect of the seven fusion ability when in fact they suffered no damage at all, it had nothing to do with his teammates being unable to participate.. they suffered no damage and only coughed up blood because Tang San told them to..


            • This is a reply to Emadish who replied to you. I cant continue the flow since the option to reply to him/her is blocked.

              We totally understand how reasonable forfeiting without injuries would be but that isn’t within his character, at least at this moment. He might be an amazing tactician but what hasn’t been mentioned in this conversation is that he is drawing all the attention to himself, hence the reason for faking injuries and making himself stand out so much. Also don’t forget he still has plenty up his sleeve, although he might reveal his ice-proof trait he has never truly displayed his fighting strength. Otherwise he might take the best option overall and forfeit, but even then I think the previous ideology we saw from the seven Shrek devils still stands; they seek challenges to improve their own fighting capabilities. Although that is no longer the primary goal I feel that all of these factors plus all of their personalities and deserved self-confidence would still result in them facing their opponent if they knew they could win. I don’t think they would forfeit just because they were already past the qualifications.
              I totally forgot who and what I was replying to… Oh well eat my thoughts.


    • That’s just the author using artificial circumstances to build some suspense. He resisted the pure cold of the ice and fire yin yang well so I doubt the author would go back on such a critical point. Also, Tang San only brought out 3 of the 7 devils so he no doubt is aware that he could totally beat them with his immunity.


  13. Well if he is allowed to use his Spider bones, he can already solo these girls by himself! Wait, that kinda came out wrongly lewd…


  14. So I’ve been wondering since yesterday… how did he cover all of the prisons with a web restraint if he was already inside a prison? Does he not have to shoot them out of his hand?


    • Was wondering about that part, too.
      In the end I came to the conclusion, that Tang San might have just reinforced the “inner wall” of his newly built defence – like a cushion, that would harden the blue silver prison, give in a little and bounce back into position. Something like that.
      Before that i was wondering, if he as the only one might have remained outsight and leave the stage after protecting his friends, but as i read farther… obviously that didn’t happen ;).


      • Yeah, that was the conclusion I came to. It seems like it would have been a typo when it said 7 prisons, and he just stayed outside since he has ice immunity from his time at the well. Guess we won’t know for sure until 106.


  15. Anyone thinks that girls control ability is too OP? I mean, she can create a whole ice block ice out of thin air (it’s not like she was condensing moisture in the atmosphere, it’s just there from one moment to another), she can use it on multiple targets at the same time, it has no cooldown, you can’t evade it, it doesn’t take much spirit power to use it since it’s her first ability, it can even restrain a guy stronger than her as long as he doesn’t use his 3rd spirit ring, she can use it on herself to defend…. hell, there are not even apparent drawback right now???


    • They did lose to the godwind team, so maybe the initial “stun” is hard to hit or something, and she needs them stationary to chain the ability. Seems like they are weak against teams with quick burst. But yeah its really OP. Tang san´s binding ability is more flexible, but it seems to be lacking compared to the instant aoe CC her first ability gives. Wasnt his fourth spirit ability supposed to be really special because it could restrain several targets at once? She stops 4 people at once, which seems an awfull lot like the crowd controll you are not supposed to have untill 5th spirit ring.


  16. hey bagel u ok? are you busy or some thing? ive noticed chaps getting slower and slower and i didnt see anything like a status update or a note anywhere signifying whats going on…
    btw i really really liked it whenn there was at least a chap a day if not two…
    annd thx for the hard work…..
    and uh youre awesome and have been awesome for a while!
    🙂 or 😀
    uh thx!


  17. Literally read from chapter one all the way up to this point in the span of two days. Thank you so much for translating this!!!!! Ugh so amazing. Eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!!


    • Re:monster i think is kinda interesting. OP guy dies and gets reborn as a goblin in a world with rules similar to a mmorpg. He has ability to gain new abilities from stuff he eats. Has the same drawback as this series, not being finished, but still a good 180 chapters available translated. intead of chapters, it has “days” with eventfull days having longer chapter than uneventfull days. Its a really fun novel. Gun-Ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei shitara is also kinda entertaining. About a guy who dies and is reincarnated as a baby, and was really interested in gun in his previous lifes so he starts making them in the medieval fantasy world he was born into. only 38 chapters but being translated.


  18. uah man i wouled revese time if knew its not complete translation
    though i say that i am really thankful for all the translators of BST and espcially” Bagelson” thanks keep up the good work man i got hooked by manhawa the looked for to see there is light novel i was really happy
    i start reading like manic its really great story specially all this envirmoent describing making you know how
    the next scene has devloped


  19. I finished reading till 109. Starting on Chapter 110. So exciting. 😀
    Chapter 110 is the start of the 2nd round of competition.


  20. I just thought about something wouldnt this be a great game? some kind of RPG with online capabilities. You could go out alone or with a party and hunt spirit beasts, search for herbs to help cultivate, fight online in 1-1 or group battles level up and use different spirit abilities! I WANT THIS IN MY LIFE


  21. […] Chapter  105 – Spirit Fusion Ability, Drifting Snow Chapter  104 – Singing To The Same Tune Chapter  103 – Seven Fusion Ability Chapter  102 – Hidden Mystery, Seven Gem Spirits Chapter  101 – Fireproof, Blue Silver Grass Chapter  101 – Fireproof, Blue Silver Grass Chapter  99 – Another Spirit Bone […]


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