160 thoughts on “109 – Outschemed Liu Erlong

  1. It seems like you left a note in there: ““Thank you, captain Roxon.”
    Flender returned the salute with a smile.<–Is something missing here what favor"

    Thank you for the translation, it really is great work and I cannot wait to see even more of this lovely piece. =)


    • I understood it as Flender acknowledging the salute. This counts as a the favor (favor as in approval/honor/respect, not as in the action), since Flender, who is of higher rank and status, directly recognized the good work of a “lowly” knight.


  2. Since we know that spirit variation happens when two spirits of similar power come together…

    What would happen if Sausage and Nine Layer Pagoda were combined? If they were a variant?

    I like to think it would spawn a Nine Layer Cake spirit. each ‘ring’ adding another layer, and flavor, to the cake. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • But that would only be if they HAD the variation happen, and they got lucky and it happened to be a strong one. Most aren’t.
      On the other hand, it’s Oscar who is incredible. I’m pretty sure his sausage spirit isn’t comparable to the 7 tile spirit, let alone Rong Rong’s 9 tile spirit.


      • Yeah, I doubt it too. But isn’t it a nice thought?

        ./has a sudden thought, almost spit takes/

        Er, or it could go the other way… instead of making a pagoda shaped food item, it could make a… sausage shaped item out of crystal.

        ../dirty leer/

        Oh myy…


      • I’m not sure.. as far as I understood he’s the first auxillery support system spirit master with innate full spirit power.. think even rongrong was like 9 or 9½/10..


  3. Thank you for the chapter!

    About the favor:
    Thank you, captain Roxon.”
    Flender returned the salute with a smile.<–Is something missing here what favor
    Roxon, somewhat overwhelmed with the favor,

    I think Roxon was impressed by the team, and when Flender smiled at him he felt he was being favored by such a great team… Kinda like if you were a fan of some group or something, and your favorite member smiled at you when you got a chance to talk to them?


    • Especially when you consider the line:

      Facexing the dean of an advanced Spirit Master academy, he was naturally brimming with admiration.

      However, I feel it should be “Facing” rather than “Facexing”


      • Just recently found this, Thank You for an awesome translation and speed 😀

        *to above, ignore much?
        Roxon, somewhat overwhelmed with the favor, said:
        “I DARE NOT, with your leave, I will withdraw.”
        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ dare not what?


        • “I dare not” is a common idiom/phrase in Chinese used when speaking politely and humbly to a superior. There’s no easy way to translate it, as there isn’t an equivalent saying / idiom in English. It’s basically an expression of the speaker’s humble position and gratefulness for what the other person has done, and refusal to impose any further or ask for more benefits / leniency from the other person.


  4. I just finished reading and I’m already craving for another chapter. Well, thank you for this chapter 🙂 and looking forward for another one 🙂


  5. Xue Qinghe had a mild smile,
    “Brother Tang, I didn’t come for you. This time I’m here with my imperial father to watch the ranking competition and took the chance to come look in on you. How is it? Is this place suitable? If you have any complaints, I’ll all (I think this is meant to be call not all) over someone to move you somewhere else.”

    Thanks for the translation Bagelson!


  6. S.S. Stronger than SupermanTheLivingTribunalDarksideGalactusandTheRedLanternCorpsputtogether says:

    Thanks for the new chapter Translator


  7. I’m gonna laugh when every other team adds one person as their trump or a special formation, but then Protag-kuns show up with all 7 40’s(Pretend Wu is 40)


    • It gets any better. I had to reread the line to make sure I comprehended it, but I’m quite sure everybody in the main Shrek Seven Devils except Xiao Wu is 49 right now.

      ‘Right now, the spirit power of the seven had also reached the limit of their rank under Liu Erlong’s pressure, already not far from promoting.’

      With 2 weeks of combat [or 2 weeks of cultivation in the case of the Auxillary Systems] plus another 2 weeks during the break, supplemented by the cultivation acceleration provided by their Heavenly Treasures, there is a very strong chance Shrek Seven Devils could be a primarily 5 Spirit Ring team, much like Spirit Hall’s team.


      • No, “promoting” also refers to going up a rank. It’s a very general term. Keep in mind that even fast cultivators would take several months to gain even one rank. They’ve had one month and were at the low forties.


        • I’m assuming you’ve already read through the next several chapters and know this for a fact.

          From the context it strongly implied to me that between their naturally monstrous growth rates and the Treasures they consumed that they’d gained at least one rank per month if not more than that in the time preparing for the tournament.

          Regardless I’m certainly looking forward to the following chapters.


  8. u know what gets to me? how come flender and zhao wuji and grandmaster’s girlfriend gets no development? over an entire year and no progress on their strength, even though they should be equally as talented as shrek’s students.


        • We don’t actually know that they’ve had no progress at all. These aren’t the main characters so discussing the advancement of their individual ranks isn’t much concern.

          Flander was 78, Zhao Wuji 76 and Erlong somewhere between 73 and 76 [I’m not sure where in that range.] In all likelihood they will all reach Spirit Douluo before their lifespan runs out, but they’re the two from the Golden Iron Triangle are already 50, I highly doubt they’ll make it to Title Douluo. The same can probably said for Zhao Wuji, though I believe he is a bit younger than them though by how much I do not know.


          • i dunno.. that guy is only 30 something but is only rank 64. only about 20 years dif. and he said he’s the youngest to reach it. so i cant believe that they wont reach titled douluo. not everyone can be like tang san’s father who reached it in his 40’s.


            • i also dont get how he can be the youngest when tang san’s father seems like he shoulda been the youngest to reach all these levels.


            • I was going off the Wiki which said Zhao Wuji was between 40 and 50, if he’s 30-something then yeah, he’s got fair odds of hitting Title Douluo.

              As for Flender and Erlong, keep in mind that growth increases are delayed both by reaching higher rank and by becoming older.

              They’d probably be lucky to grow one numerical rank every 3 years at this point, 5 years being more likely.


            • Wait, are you talking about the Shrek Alumni? It’s explicitly stated he’s the second to reach that rank and yeah, he’s definitely heading for Title Douluo at some point in his life.


            • second out of the shrek alumni? i doubt it, every single one of them are supposed to be geniuses. he’s also one of the fastest ranking people in history. and where did you get the once in 3 years number? that’s pretty doubtful because 50 isnt that old yet. i’d agree with you if they were 60+ but not if they are still in their lower 50’s. esp zhao wuji who is still in his 40’s which is very young still. he should still have plenty of time to make it to titled douluo.


            • Wuji stated when they were leaving Shrek academy to go to Huo Duo Imperial Academy that both he and Flender were only 50. So I’m guessing if he’s not there yet he’s close.

              As for Qing, I believe it was stated that he was the second fastest EVER to reach his rank so I imagine he’s only behind Tang Hao. If Shrek Academy had produced a Title Douluo do you really think they’d be in nearly as bad a situation as they are? Qing is almost certainly the best they’ve ever produced before this generation’s Devils.


            • meh. having four spirit saints, shrek academy should be considered a powerhouse then. esp one being a food spirit master


            • They are a power house. Blue Tyrant Academy was pretty much second only to the Imperial Family’s personally sponsored school in terms of staff and they only had one Spirit Sage.

              That Imperial Academy very well may have the most potent staff of all academies in the whole empire, having 3 Spirit Douluo [and by my calculations New Shrek will eventually have four if all four of their Spirit Sages continue to teach for the rest of their lives.]


            • Maybe only 3, Shao Xin is a food Spirit Master, the same age as the rest, and has the lowest rank [71]

              I can’t be certain he’ll hit Spirit Douluo, although I’d say he has a chance of it.


            • in any case shrek academy will be famous for producing 7 titled douluo 🙂 the teachers hardly matter that much (+ Dugu Bo is a senior advisor :))


            • Eight technically. There’s no doubt Qing will eventually reach Title Douluo, though I strongly suspect the Seven Monsters might overtake him and get there before him.

              [Then there’s the fact that all of the secondaries in the Tournament are likely to reach Spirit Douluo eventually.]


  9. Bagelson Thank you very much for your time and efforts in translating this manga. The past few months have been utter shit and when i started reading Combat Continent on Mangamint.com i was very entertained and pleased with how the Manhua was shapping up! Until someone posted in the comments for Duoluo that the Manhua sucked asshole and i had to read the LN. This LN has brought about a pleasant and eager need to get home from work and check for updates. Thanks again for your time, effort, and patience with all the comments demanding more and more chapters! Hope your finals went well Sir!! Good luck with School and I hope in the future your translations do not slow or falter!

    Liked by 1 person

      • The manga is like some one read the LN once and then went to draw the manga w/o ever looking back at the LN so they get the major story points but so many details are shifted and changed coz they just don’t remember and said yolo I’m making this shit up as I go lol.


        • someone said the same EXACT thing in the manhua comments section, and i’m pretty sure they are doing it on purpose to keep it pg, but because they change so much, it loses alot of the story and character development. and forget sausage monopoly, what about ma honjjun? lol. evil phoenix brah.

          Liked by 1 person

            • but the freaky-funny bishounen change-whenever-he-uses-his-spirit-essence is pretty entertaining 😛


          • I don’t think it has anything to do with keeping it pg. They change so many things that don’t need to be changed if the only reason is toning down the content to be appropriate for younger readers. And they also add in all kinds of stupid things that aren’t originally from the LN, and do nothing to help make the story more interesting.


    • so true!!! I was reading the manhua or manga of this story and until someone pointed out to me about the translated novel did I come to appreciate this LN and thought the manhua or manga was utter shit compared to this! they totally turned this great novel into shit in my opinion. (poor Oscar).


      • This is exactly what happened to me. I even considered dropping the manhua altogether. However, I happened to read a post that this was a light novel and link to it. I think it’s best to view the manhua as a parody of this L.N. It makes reading it moderately more palatable.


  10. If Tang San used bind on a target’s legs, then prison, binding all around that prison, and then another prison right on top of that, do you think it would help prevent people breaking out? Like, if the soft layer in between absorbed impact to the inside/outside.


    • I few the binding more as thread, so no. It wouldn’t absorb the impact it would transfer to the second prison then the binding would be ripped. If it was liquid or semi solid then it would reduce the impact and make it tougher.


      • But bind uses the blue silver grass, so it should be the tough black vines that it’s evolved into, not some kind of thread.


  11. I hope tang San can make swords out of blue silver grass as a surprise attack and name it thousand sword of blue silver grass asura

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’d love to see him make a weapon by performing a spirit fusion within himself. By creating a fusion ability using the clear sky hammer and blue silver grass would propbably look coolest as a sword.


      • impossible, it clearly states that you cant wield 2 spirits at the same time, when he brings out his hammer, his blue silver grass goes away.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I wouldn’t say impossible. We don’t know the limits of twin spirits I only remember two others being mentioned one of which died relatively early in life. There is the possibility of using some type of fusion since it seems to combine the spirits into one


        • dude this is Tan San “impossible” isn’t in his dictionary (sry if my engish sucks)
          + i might be possible if u consider the skill from Ning’s clan


        • try reading the part where Dugu Bo uses his poison against tang.. it very clearly indicates that BOTH of his spirits have been summoned while fighting off Dugu Bo’s 3rd test.. I also commented on this point at said chapter.. since I remember Tang San whining about being unable to use both spirits (something about meteor hammer or something..) don’t know if the author forgot that it was not possible to use both at the same time or if he chose to leave a loophole incase he wanted to create a scene where Tang San can have 18 soul rings floating around him 🙂


    • Yeah, but the people that just read the manhua think that there’s something wrong with us when we say that it sucks compared to the LN.


      • hehe I also read the manhua first and thought it seemed really good but after reading the LN (twice) I simply can’t stand the manhua 🙂 everything that I like about the LN is either downscaled or removed in the manhua especially Tang San’s achievements, even to the point that Dragon Duke and his wife withdraws not because Zhao Wuji tells them who his father is but because Rongrong called for all the nearby clan members to gather at her location.. it might seem small but it still annoyed me (especially since this was the least degration of Tang San’s character)

        Liked by 1 person

  12. If it is possible, please add another person in your team(asking too much! hahaha). i just want to read this LN everyday. one of the best novels ive ever read!! thank you so much!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • hmmm……… many you could recruit the guy who is translating the duoluo dalu 2 LN to your group? and also, i suggest that you put up a donation box on your website. let us give you a little bit of gratitude for your great work. I am sure a lot of readers will give just a portion of their money to thank you guys for the wonderful work you have given us. i really enjoy reading this novel and once again i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


      • 100% agree. found this site randomly after I finished the translated chapters of Legendary Moonlight Sculptor LN and I havent stopped reading in days to catch up. You really deserve some donations man cuz this LN is amazing and you bringing it to us deserves more than just our thanks…


  13. @korand- What do you take title duoluo For?If it was that easy,most of the people who are stuck 3-4 lvls in spirit duoluo would already have been there.

    Like the other guy said,past 50 cultivation slows down Considerably not to mention the compound effect of it being progressively harder to level up the higher you rank.Pretty sure zhao wuji ain’t making it no matter what you say,maybe if he was in the 80’s rank then he would have a chance.


    • and yet someone in his thirty’s who’s around mid 60’s can make it to titled douluo no problem? i dont see the logic.


      • What logic are you expecting from a fantasy Ln?Also he is the second person in HISTORY to ever have gotten there…There is a man who can do 10000 push ups non stop ,is that logical?No,but it is world record which is supposed to boggle the mind.

        The difference between genius,in this case history making, and normal is always illogical kinda like in our world and even more so with a fantasy LN.


      • The fact that he reached mid 60’s by 30 is an indicator of his ability to make it to Titled Douluo no problem. That’s pure genius right there, so much so that it earned the respect of Team Royal [which includes the Grandaughter of a Title Douluo and the Heir to the top Beast Spirit Clan.]


        • there are no guarantees though.. except for the shrek 7 of course 🙂 already had that reveal when they started grandmaster’s second stage of training 🙂


          • Well sure, if he fucks up his cultivation somehow he won’t make it to Title Douluo. But he hit 60th rank faster than any Title Douluo before him except Tang Hao. Of course he’ll reach Title Douluou if nothing goes wrong.


          • We’re talking about Qing, the Shrek Alumni who was the teacher of the Royal Emperor Team.

            He was the second fastest ever to reach Rank 60 and IMO is guaranteed to reach Titled Douluo at some point, likely being surpassed by the Seven Devils before he gets there though. Others were less certain.


  14. They should seriously consider making a video game from this concept. Each player selects a spirit at the start and then levels it via killing monsters, cultivation and then killing a viable monster every 10 levels for a new skill.


    • Optimistic.

      The first thing coming to my mind with that concept is a bunch of players desperately needing the ability to respec. Especially at later levels I could already imagine some whining about having taken a horribly wrong/weak skill and hence in the interest of fairness they must be allowed to choose a better
      And I can only assume the game would involve fighting among players. What makes this story so interesting is the definite differences and advantages/disadvantages coming from certain spirits and or spiritrings. In a game one of the hardest and most loudly discussed (by the players) features is often pvp balance.

      I’m not saying it would be impossible but it would need a huge amount of professional dedication to get something that would work.


      • About the idea of respec, I was thinking more in line where each starting spirit were balanced. Each spirit had their pathway with a balanced deviation. Each spirit type would be unique in regards to what they can accept and ability it would provide. There would not be weak skills, just skills that better compliment each other based on the playstyle, ie. Tang San and Ho Wuo fourth ring abilities.


        • You’d also need to ban excessively broken shit like Twin Spirits. [Well, in hindsight Dugu Bo said that Twin Spirits only show up if both spirits are of comparable quality, so dual spirits that are weak as hell might work out…]

          I do like the idea of Spirit Masters killing eachother for either political reasons or for Spirit Bones etc.


          • Spirit bones can be done via raids. Most likely it will only be dropped from monsters whose existence exeeds 100k years since they are gurantee drops, or if the player decides to try to kill a monster on extremely hard mode, (monster is pissed as hell) giving a chance to drop.


            • With the caveat that Spirit Bones only drop from Spirit Beasts of 1,000 years or higher.

              Another thing I’d like to see is Spirit Bones NOT dropping when a Spirit Ring isn’t absorbed, otherwise you get Spirit Masters farming the Spirit Forests for Spirit Bones.


          • Spirit bones could be gained via raids. As stated, there are three ways to get a spirit bone. 1) Have the monster extremely pissed at you and killing it. 2) Monster is willingly accepting death. 3) Monster is 100k year cultivation. Removing the second option, we can have the first option being where the monster is on extremely hard mode. you can only get spirit bone when you are also about to get next spirit ring as well. The other option is doing raids where it is a guarantee drop. However, it would take a group and only one will drop. The group would most likely have to be all title douluos.


      • Why do you (all) assume this game as a mmo? I would just as happily play a single player RPG of this nature. A rogue-like game with procedural generated levels would be interesting too. The replayability would be infinite with the various combinations of spirit rings.

        Another possibility would be raising multiple characters like in Disgaea.


        • It could just as well be done as a single player. However, I would like to see it taken to a mmo with all the single player capabilities.


      • Why do you (all) assume this game as a mmo? I would just as happily play a single player RPG of this nature. A rogue-like game with procedural generated levels would be interesting too. The replayability would be infinite with the various combinations of spirit rings.

        Another possibility would be raising multiple characters like in Disgaea.


        • Because it would make for an AMAZING MMO if done right.

          Now sure, an action-RPG with Tang as the Protagonist and a party of teammates that fluctuates in size depending on events in story could be a lot of fun, but I’d be far less likely to spend my money on it than an MMO which recreates the Spirit Master experience of the world-at-large instead.


  15. I need more.

    Why is this so addicting.

    Great job with the translation, thank you for doing this!


  16. I sound so creepy saying this, but I wish one day I could just see Bagelson typing in the google document schedule page. I would fangirl so hard, like “omg, I’m on the same page Bagelson is on right now”


  17. Such great story 😀 ahhhh cant wait to know what happen 😀
    Thank you very much for doing this 🙂


  18. Grandmaster refer Erlong as “teacher’s wife”! Finally Xiao Gang give recognition to Erlong’s feeling!?


    • more or less, remember the last hunt how Flander make he believed that is everything ok if they do not went to the physical realm, well, they are living together now, but still not enough to make a old woman happy


  19. @Luke Confidential-You strongly suspect that?I guarantee it without a doubt LOL,its freaking plain obvious they are going to surpass him in getting to title just like tang san is,After all,they are a group and the author obviously has the intentions to make them grow as a unit with tan sang standing on top.


    • Hey you never know for sure 😛 Tang San’s dad did hit Title Douluo in his early 40’s and Qing was only a few years older than Tang Hao for hitting rank 60. There’s a chance they may catch up right around the time he hits T.D. rather than outright beating him there.


  20. … Grandmaster had said that Oscar was the second person after Tang San to advance to the forty second rank.

    From what I remember Oscar was second and Tang San third(reason: working on hidden weapons), but here it sounds like Tang San was first …


      • Oscar was the first person to advance to the 40th rank, but Tang San was the first person to advance to the 42nd rank.

        The timeline is as follows:
        1) Oscar promotes to 40th rank
        2) Tang San promotes to the 40th rank
        3) Tang San promotes to the 42nd rank
        4) Oscar promotes to the 42nd rank


  21. I would love to see a game like skyrim or wither 3 but in the dolou world, whith the same rules of lvl and diferent familys, countrys , etc, where you whould see a caracther grow (age and Lvl).


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