188 thoughts on “Douluo Dalu – 161- Narrow Escape


    Liked by 3 people

  2. Woo what a nice surprise this morning! I think I like where this is going just from seeing the title! Hopefully Tang San and Xiao Wu make it out okay! Thanks bagelson!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    xiao wu wake n become human back plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


  4. I really have to say this. I fucking hate that this plot point was spoiled for me by the very story itself. I don’t remember which chapter (it was during the part that Xiao Wu was taken by the Titan Ape), but in an earlier chapter it was already completely confirmed that both Xiao Wu and Tang San would become a title duoluo. So there wasn’t any suspense at all that either of them was going to die here. What the fuck kind of idea is it to put the epilogue before the end of a story? This would have been an amazing chapter if it weren’t for that, but now it just puts a sour taste in my mouth.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It was chapter 147 smh, and yeah the plot point was definitely given away by the manwha I still loved this chapter! This was way better than in the manwha, in my opinion one of the best chapters to date. I have stopped reading the manwha even though it tried to have a positive outlook and separate the two stories I just can’t anymore.


  5. oh god, i’m practically crying blood T///T this is all too much unfair! And that damned cliffhanger is probably the worst EVER!


  6. Well i cried a little. I hope she gets her memory/intelligence back as her current state is far worse than death for Tang San, Da Ming and Er Ming. Nothing more painful than looking at a loved one and them not recognizing you or worse, them recognizing you for a moment then barely seconds later they can’t even remember your name let alone remember you.


  7. Thanks a lot!
    Oh my God, when i read about what xiao wu was doing, i was saying “no, no,no, no…”…and then when she faded away, all my tears, all my tears—-! I had forgotten about that flower! Ah—! Great! But…that means…she…she can’t remember him, huh…but she lives! She lives! Where there is life, their love has hope! Yay—! To separate him from her like this…! Spirit hall, you will bd utterly, wholly destroyed! Hate them..so much…! How inhuman! Those cruel, merciless hearts…! Die, all of them, die—-!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oh, i forgot to mention…! It was awesome that his parents were able to sense his predicament! That was a great addition!


      • She only has one brother, right? I guess the siblings are okay…they haven’t totally cast away their conscience…but that depends though. Will they do what is right? Or do what their ‘saviour’ spirit hall tells them to do? I’m hoping for the earlier, of course, but the latter seems more…probable?


  8. I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!!! May you rot in the yellow springs and never see the light of day.


        • I was thinking about it and the current situation seems that she is alive, but doesn’t have a soul. If I remember correctly title dulous can forcibly remove their spirit rings if they want to. So maybe in the future little San will stop his growth of BSE and raise the CSH. Then when he reaches title dulou he will remove her ring, which she interwove with her soul, and force it back into her there by returning her soul and human form?


  9. So this is what it feels like to get your heart ripped out, put back together and then finally shredded to pieces. Fuck the fucking author, I need the next chapter, Oh Dear fucking God 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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  10. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that an author forgot about something they wrote at the beginning of a story or changed their mind about it. So for me, the suspense is still there (although I really, really hope that this isn’t the case and that Xiao Wu is going to recover…). But what really pissed me off was how many people apperently couldn’t read the ‘no spoilers’ part and wrote about this in the comment section – eventually I didn’t even dare read the comments any more, because I didn’t want to read any spoilers.


      • Thank you for the hard work you do on this wonderful story. That being said. I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW! I can only be consoled if there is a purge of the spirit hall that shall make death himself tremble in horror. People saying stuff like the fox girl should live are stupid she and her biter butt master are the main impetus for this tragedy same as what happened to Tang Sans mom. Fox girl needed a spirit ring so they went to kill poor Wu, they’re a bunch of facist jerks who need to die in a horrible curb stomp manner as a lesson to others.


  11. I cried a little… After all that plot armour… They still managed to get rid of one of the 7 devils… Its gonna take me a couple days to process this.


  12. well atleast i now know what happened…. if u read the manga it stops right as she was going red so i was wondering wtf happened to them. good to know still alive…ish


    Let the power of hate consume Tang San.
    Let the dark side flow through him, and let the Sith Lord rise from the broken mind and heart.
    I shall go forth to the market and buy a rabbit to make rabbit stew in honor of this glorious chapter.


  14. Bagelson is trolling us. I know everyone must have noticed “True title: The Same Fate, Tang San’s Hundred Thousand Year Spirit Ring”. Now, how is that a narrow escape?


    • I think he did for the reason of he is very anti-spoiler it seems, and the true title left no room for what was going to happen. On the other hand by the end of the chapter they do escape Spirit Hall, just not the way maybe we all wanted the title to mean.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I thought seed of revenge was already planted. It must be a gigantic beanstalk now that they have done this to me.(I tend to completely gointo main male characters of a novel unless he is too lame)

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  16. oh my freaking gawd… *fighting back tears* This chapter had me right at the edge of my seat and fighting back tears as it broke my heart.. Nervetheless, thank you for your hard work Bagelson-sama.


  17. What happened to that “man faced spider”. I thought he was gonna get another upgrade namely stealth to his external spirit bone.


  18. Thank you for the chapter. Cried like a baby. I’m wondering how he’s he’s going to solve this though. Eventually I’m betting he’s going to have to give up her spirit ring to restore her, but her ring is likely the same one that’s going to get him recognized by his clan. Hmm…


  19. T_T

    never in my life had I wish that there would be a sponsor system to our douluo dalu more than right now…
    pls, next chapter real soon pls!!!


  20. Does everyone realize that this means than when he does become a title doulou he’ll have at the least two hundred year spirit rings, one crime the one formed by the blue silver grass back then(since they said it would grow with him) and now one from Xiao wu.


  21. At the same time, under the influence of the Deathgod Domain, Tang San’s fighting spirit once again rose to the peak, and the pursuing opponents would also suffer the influence of the domain.
    Add word “under” or maybe “by” but I think “under” works the best.
    At the same time, under the influence of the Deathgod Domain, Tang San’s fighting spirit once again rose to the peak, and the pursuing opponents would also suffer under the influence of the domain.


  22. NOOOOOOO Xiao Wu T-T
    God i hate spirit hall so much i hope he will crush them the most demonic way that is even possible and torture them to death in the future 😡
    Thanks for translating 🙂


  23. Cruel chapter.. cruel title.. cruel enemies.. cruel bagel for trolling us.. cruel world.
    Im so sad!!!!

    Thanks for the chapter bagel.. 🙂


  24. To dodge any form of spoiler, I’ll leave you with this. Chapter 20, it is said that in the future, the Soft Boned Titled Doulou is not to be touched for it is the trigger to the Thousand Hands Asura. This pretty much guarantees Xiao Wu’s return. Remember also, that we are barely 1/3 of the way through the entire LN. Ah Yin is already in a state of recovery, it would make no less sense for Xiao Wu to recover as well … in time … and in chapters 🙂 Have faith fellow readers.


    • All that means, is at the end of the end, that future will unfold. It might be another 30-40 years of her all but re-acquiring her soul again. She is just a body now at this point. I also am going to just imagine that the author forgot about that part, and will choose to ignore it. 🙂


    • Yeah we can’t really rush bagelson because he is TL-ING for fun and to get better at it. So everyone always complaining that it is too slow and for him to hurry up would actually be counter productive to all of our causes. Would you like to be the one to rush him finally making him take an extended break because it’s not fun anymore? We should all be greatfull to bagelson and wait patiently for him to complete his work. I only wish I took classes in foreign languages while in school T_T boohoo


  25. During the that entire chapter, I was wondering what that flower was going to be used for. Thanks for the chapter Bagelson! I kinda hope that the spirit ring is on his hammer.


    • No her spirit ring is on BSE. It says the other five spirit rings revolved around him. Although I am curious as to what power her ring gives.


  26. I was prepared to roll my eyes with “Sigh, plot armour blocks again” and then I read the whole chapter and was quite pleased with the result.


  27. I hope they turn the carnage that is Tang San visiting Spirit Hall into a movie. It can be like 300, but with one guy… and he WINS, walking away with his friends and lover. And a pet dog.. a pet dog that walks on it’s front legs while peeing on all of the people of Spirit Hall.


  28. You have made my day and yet ruined it at the same time. Gunna go to work and start crying and yell for Xiao Wu now. I swear even I have the seeds of hate for spirit hall now 😡


  29. once tang san gets to the appropriate power level, we’ll receive a very in-depth anatomy lesson, with spirit hall providing the test subjects.

    when you fuck someone over, they come back with a vengeance.
    this time, it’ll be an ultimate revengeance.

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  30. Oh man, awesome chapter. Been waiting for this ever since I read it in the manga. Since the manga leaves out so many details, I wanted to read this chapter so it could paint the full picture. Worth the wait. Awesome chapter.


  31. DAMN YOU SPIRIT HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……..this chap made my “heart ache” and “tears fall”…..ughhhh!!!!!!!!!!…….can’t help it from fallin……..dammit…….


  32. Xiao Wu will be back, remember the narrator often described the 7 shrek devils in the future. About how Dai Mubai would describe Tang San when someone angered Xiao Wu… It’s not a spoiler because its written in older chapters.


  33. Thanks Bagelson! Would you be able to post chapters more consistently if you had an income for this? If you set up a paypal like some other sites, I have no doubt everyone would contribute to help further the releases of chapters!


  34. …. Noooooo, i can´t handle this… i just can´t… this can´t be happening to my little xiao wu…


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