74 thoughts on “Douluo Dalu – 249 – Sixth Trial, Seagod Douluo’s Attack


    Really smart decision, so they won’t decimated by one attack. But, trying to play hide and tag with a 99 ranked Duoluo?!? She just turned into one big magnet! XD

    I can’t stop giggling….

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for the chapter, but please use ‘incense stick’ not ‘joss stick.’ I know you’re a newer translator, but that’s what it has been since the very beginning, and there is no such thing as a ‘joss stick.’ According to Merriam Webster joss in English = : a Chinese idol or cult image. It is obviously meant to be incense and it’s driving me crazy.


      • I’m from middle Europe so I don’t know anything about chinese incense but your comment makes perfect sense.
        The incense sticks described earlier in the story lasted only several minutes.
        This one is supposed to last for an hour so it’s logical that it has different name.

        Thanks for the explanation and to the translator for the chapter!

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’m a Chinese myself. The reason why I put it as the joss stick is because movie subtitles also use it. They are not meant to smell good in all its purpose. People don’t stay in temples to smell the smoke to get high or something. This is proof that just because there are some terms which were coined in earlier chapters, it doesn’t mean they’re correct.

      A couple of examples, Sea Lance Doulou is incorrect. It’s Sea Spear Douluo, because there are no lances in Chinese weaponry history. Then Sea Star Douluo. Sea ‘star’ is basically just Starfish. I can go on for on and on, but editorial decisions can’t just be overturned.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Armored Raven, thanks for your efforts on translations. I also appreciate your efforts to correct any previous mistranslations. However, there has been a precedent in terms of names used in this LN regardless of whether it is the most accurate. Therefore, I’d like to give a couple of ideas:

        1) Sync up and get agreement with Bagelson on the terms used. Then use only the agreed terms moving forward.

        2) If there are changes in the terms, appreciate if you could note it in the footer so that the readers will know.

        Thanks again for your efforts and keep it up!


      • A couple of points on the ‘Lance’ Vs ‘Spear’ thing.

        – Lances did exist in chinese history (http://www.bible-history.com/ibh/Weapons+and+Warfare/Spears/)
        – Historically they were considered another type of spear by most eastern peoples, actually some western countries (like France) have at some stages shown to share this opinion, but these western countries more or less universally ended with lance and spear considered separate due to the evolution of the weapon and its importance
        – the origin of the lance is indeed a spear, generally with an elongated, reinforced tip, which removes a lot of its potential wounding power in exchange for piercing power, it was intended to be in a charge either on foot or mounted, and was meant to either unseat a mounted enemy or kill the mount. So a spear and a lance are technically the same thing, but in a similar way to saying that a horse bow and a long bow are the same weapon, they’re currently clearly different but share the same origins.
        – My Putonghua is weak so I don’t know if theres actually a different way of writing ‘lance’ and ‘spear’ in the modern language but in a logographic system I would assume they’re similar/equal so confusion could occur.
        – The author doesn’t just have to have used his coyntries traditional weaponry, the presence of the lance in historical China was minimal, I wouldn’t be surprised if the author didn’t know about it, but he’s sure to know of one of the most well known pieces of historical weaponry in the world. He could have intended to use a foreign weapon to increase the audiences sense of ‘sea spirit masters are differen’, from the description it did sound far more like a lance than a spear.
        – if there is a definitive way of telling, then I won’t argue against it, but I think my points still stand to say that it isn’t that bad of a translation, after all, the text doesn’t change that much with it and lances sound cooler than spears


    • Why would you use an English dictionary to look up the name of something from another language? Google Joss stick and you’ll get a whole pile of hits including pictures.
      When I saw the change I used big brother google as it confused me at first too.

      Just a thought for you anyway.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Do any one know why there is a chapter always let out.I mean no offence but chapter 250 is also complete so why isn’t it been post with 249.
    but any how thank you for chapter Armored Raven


  4. And the thing I’m most unhappy about with this test is that because it is extremely improbable that they could pass on their own merits, and they can’t fail because plot, then that means they’re going to pass due to some BS convenient thing that happens right when they should be about to lose. Really unsatisfying.


    • It is actually quite a conundrum if you think about it. If the author wants to give power up, breakthrough, or anything luck based improbable thing to MC, he/she(he in this case) has to choose in what way to give it. It can come from pure luck(rodeside findings), reward for a deed(like the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud) or finding it through some danger. We all know these extremely lucky happenings are unavoidable; they are one of distinguishing traits of the MCs in this genre. So from a writing point of view, the “BS convenient thing” was inevitable, if it really happens, but it took quite a good writing to avoid a “BS convenient excuse” for giving it.
      My opinion: What a great way of building up to a particular piece of luck.


    • Well, in fact you could say that about every test… fighting 100 thousand year old beast plus army 2 times(shark and orca)… fighting invisible force from a god… fighting title douluos on their territory… and because of plot they couldn’t fail any test, because if they do, they die… so i don’t get your point since we knew from the start that the mc is allways going to win or at least survive when he faces a life or death situation… if he doesn’t there is the last chapter and you can cry to your hearts content


      • I know what you’re saying and I agree with it, you know that until the end of the book the story isn’t going to end, and the authors going to write until they’ve tild their story. This obviously isn’t the end of the story so we know they’ll survive.

        But it got me thinking, it’d be an interesting idea to have a story where MCs could die, a new MC would take up the mantle and continue the story. It’d be pretty hard to pull off but would be interesting nonetheless. You’d need a goal in the story that lets you pass on the mantle of seeki g it, so it couldn’t be personal, it’d have to let other characters join partway because otherwise you’d either just be whittling down from a group of MCs or going through a roster of background characters to the MC who take turns being the MC till they die. So you’d need something that lets new characters come in, perhaps a military story? New soldiers could be assigned to replace those killed, but if the goal was to protect something or something like that they’d be able to keep the risk of all soldiers dying before reinforcements arrive keep being a present threat, you’d fall back into the trap of ‘we know it’ll stay safe until the story’s over’ but it’d be in a different way.

        Plus you could have it stolen/hurt fairly early (about 4 chapters after you realise the MCs are replaceable but the protected thing isn’t) but they save it/fox it quickly, just enough to jolt the reader out of ‘its going to be safe’, that way when it gets close to being stolen, even though they know it’s going to end up safe they have it in their minds that it Can be stolen.

        Then you could even have a plot arc where it gets stolen and they have to spend a few chapters getting it back.


        • You want a story where main characters get killed and others take their place?
          Three words for you…




          Book series: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.


      • Since you’re too inept to understand, I’ll make it simple. Yes, in most situations, the MC will come out on top. This makes the story boring if it happens too often, but whatever. The problem here though, is on a different scale. Bo Saixi is not someone they can stand up against. This isn’t a difficulty spike, it’s a wall. But, since they have to do it to continue the plot, we already know they’re going to win somehow. That feels like really poor writing. It is disappointing that they put in such an extreme challenge that by all rights they shouldn’t be able to pass, but we already know they will before it even got halfway finished. It would be different if they didn’t say things like, “you only get to try once”, and “you know how the seagod will punish you if you fail” and make it completely obvious that they won’t lose because the alternative is the death of an indispensable character.


        • Why should this be any worse than the rest of their challenges?
          So what if she’s powerful?
          She’s limited to grade 6 rings, Tang has 8 rings and 4 are 100k.
          There are a lot of them.
          They don’t have to win, they just have to survive.

          Frankly they should be able to turtle up and just take it as long as she doesn’t go full out.
          Sure they’ll be battered and bleeding and probably be eating recovery pills like candy, but so what?

          Remember, she wants them to win. She’ll still make them work for it and beat them hard, but she won’t go for the kill unless they’re stupid. No red has ever failed and they have 2 in there.


          • My impression… doesn’t the tester have to go all out? If not, Sea God will punish them for taking it easy? Just reading between the lines.


            • I had that impression as well. Or to put it differently: the examiner has to stick to the level of engagement the Sea God has defined. Xiao Bai wasn’t allowed to seriously hurt them during the second challenge – therefore they were able to pass. On the other hand, the Title Douluos were supposed to take the battle seriously (even if that meant risking that the Shrek Seven could die). And while Bo Saixi can only use the first 6 rings, she quite possibly has very high quality rings as well (although I have to admit, if the colours were mentioned, I can’t remember), she is still allowed and quite possibly required to take this battle seriously. She probably won’t directly go for killing moves, but as far as I understood, she can’t purposefully go easy on them.


  5. If its like those huge joss/incense sticks the size of a 30 cm ruler and just as thick. How shocking would it be if even Tang San couldn’t see how she took it out.
    Thanks for the chapter


    • Perhaps, Armored Raven is trying to make that distinction.

      On one hand, you have the typical joss stick that are lit by individuals and held in the hand during prayer. Those only last a few minutes. On the other hand, you have the large joss sticks in temples at the altar that can burn for hours (I think).

      This pic shows the two next to each other.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. f the Shrek Seven had all reached the -Title Douluo- class, perhaps Tang San would have some small amount of confidence towards challenging her. But when the only one who had an eighth spirit ring was him, how could this battle truly be fought?

    My one Question (for now I guess lol)
    Isn’t it supposed to be Spirit Douluo? Since 8 rings = Spirit Douluo and 9 rings =Title Douluo?


    • it’s supposed to be Title Doulou, it’s been mentioned that the 7 guardians didn’t stand a chance against her and she repelled the other 99s


    • I dont think its a mistake i think he is saying if everyone was over rank 90 they might stand a chance but as they are he is the only spirit douluo of the group so they are screwed


  7. For all the people out there who are arguing on whether to call joss stick or incence stick, spear or lance.. get over it already😒😒 , you understand what it says we understand what it means. Let the poor guy translate 😥. Atleast he’s doing us a favor by taking out time to translate this novel for us. ☺


    • Exactly!
      I can empathize with some people’s confusion and their being a bit miffed at conflicting terms; but like you said, we know what they mean LOL


    • you`re soooooo damn right, we should at least respect the translator. Auto-correct is good but critics were unnecessary when the translator spend the nights translating for all of us.


    • Details are what makes something go from good to great.

      I’m not sure about others but I’m pointing this out because I enjoy the story and fully immerse myself in the DD world when I’m reading. Therefore, details matter to me. Some may call it nitpicking and annoying but please know that I do it so that the translation goes from good to great.


  8. If the manhua reach this point, I can imagine what kind of expression Tang San and the others had when he said “Run!!!” especially Bo Saixi, lol


    • In Manhua, Mubai, Oscar, and Fatty always end up being relief character. Du gu bo also a relief character at one point so I can tell that a powerhouse like Bo Saixi was not exception 😀 lol. In fact, fatty did tease on her earlier (when he gets his 6th spirit ring).


    • At that point all I could think of was the drop Awolnation’ song “Run” that always plays in these wierd ass scary clown pranks when the people start runing away


    • Cause it is from China, not Japan. Anime, Manga hails from japan. But if they ever make this into cartoon. The producer I expect to create it obviously Nickelodeon. Remember Avatar (Aand or Kora)? Both are Chinese story-made cartoon and more fit than anime I think.


      • Not sure if I get this right. Are you saying that Legend of Aang and Kora are both based on chinese literature? If so: What’s your source? From what I understood is that both series are original ideas. Just the settings are lightly influenced by chinese culture.


        • sorry, but I`m not talking about literature, just the setting. My preference of Nickelodeon over anime was because douluo dalu share humour and seriousness. Anime is not bad but Nickelodeon manage to make it more lively on Avatar I think. Unless you want to make it like naruto or bleach (hundreds chapters with one dissapointing ending). And that`s what lessen my preference for anime.


    • Sorry to reply to an old comment. Just wanted to let you know, if you didn’t already, that there is currently a Chinese cartoon of the series playing right now, following the ln and not the manhua. I’ve seen it subtitled in English. The last episode I watched, Tang Hao was just beating up Zhao Wuji at Shrek Academy for bullying the kids. Pretty impressive.


  9. I dont mine armored raven translating, but what happen with bagelson? he hasnt translated any chapter in a few weeks…


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