132 thoughts on “Douluo Dalu – 149 – Fifth Spirit Ability, Blue Silver Overlord Spear

  1. Thanks for the chapter, and congratulations on a year of translating. Here’s hoping for many more to come!


  2. Thank you for the chapter 🙂
    Happy 1 Year Anniversary of Duluo Dalu translation~

    uguu.. uncle san is very sorry please forgive him.. tiantian-chan XD


  3. Thanks for the chapter,bagelson and if some others help you translate are the best translators I’ve seen releasing massive chapters within a quick time span,and when tang jumped of all I thought about was “fly like a bird”


  4. They are lucky Tang San is so filial, if it were me I’d just leave after showing off my power after their insults. How much face would they lose after letting the biggest genius in years, go and leave after he came to join them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks! Finally T3 can show off a little bit. Cant wait till we get to the Spirit Hall Total And Utter Annihilation At The Hands Of Thousend Hand Asura chapters 😛

    Liked by 3 people

  6. i usely use google drive to read so i don’t visit this site often
    so tahnks a lot for the work u did
    it’s the most easy to read/follow throught translation i read!


  7. Thanks alot, and please open a beer or hobby fund, i would be glad to contribute in some way since i have such a good time reading your translation and leeching off of your hobby. thx a lot for your translations to you and your team


  8. Thanks for the chapter.
    I wish you a happy 1 year anniversary.

    It was obvious Tang San had to use his Clear Sky Hammer. The first fight was a show for his Blue Silver Emperor, but the second is to gain the clan’s approval. So he has to show his abilities with his Hammer.

    It’s a good surprise to see so many Title Douluo in this clan. Even if they are “low level” Title Douluo like Dugo Bo, it’s still enough to defend against anyone.

    But if that clan hide its strengh, others may do the same, including Spirit Hall (remember what Bibi Dong thought after Tang Hao’s interruption).


  9. Hello Bagelson

    I was wondering if DtAndroid or you will update the spoiler timeline in the future.

    Thank you for all the hard work.


  10. Such a great chapter. Thank you bagelson and other staff!! That cliff hanger though. Wonder if he’ll use the spider lances to come around or his leg bone to fly.


  11. So basically we have 5 Cowards in the Clan. I hope there is a explanation later why they are not fighting the Spirit Hall yet.

    PS: Ya I know I am being harsh.


    • How about Spirit Hall having even more Title Douluo? If I remember correctly, altogether seven Title Douluo acted when Tang Hao attacked Supreme Pontiff Palace and I wouldn’t be suprised if Spirit Hall had even more Title Douluo loyal to them (after all, what are the chances that every single one of them is present at Supreme Pontiff Palace right at this intant).


      • It’s not directly said how many TDs there are in Spirit Hall, but iirc in some chapter there was something about how many Douluos there are in whole continent (100 or 200) and TDs are minority. Ofc power levels can rise by time.. So SH having ~30 TD would not be surprising but if Bibi wanted counter Tang Hao with 7 (or 8?) TDs that gives a nice comparison to how Clear Sky TD is more powerful than other TDs. Ofc there is again level gaps and what not…


        • But it was also said that they only had to counter him with this many because he attacked Supreme Pontiff Palace and if he had directly attacked them, he would have been at much more of a disadvantage. Besides, part of the reason why he supressed them this much was because he used his Death God Domain (although Bibi Dong should have been able to use hers as well…). And I think that it’s not necessarily Clear Sky TD that are more powerful, but specifically Tang Hao, since he could already put up a fight against the previous Supreme Pontiff (and a few other Douluo if I remember correctly) before he gained his ninth spirit ring and he could defeat them despite his injuries afterwards. And it was said that Tang Hao was already a rare genious within Clear Sky School.


      • Who cares about numbers. Why do you have to assume I mean a frontal assault or war. Can’t they just sneek attack and kill some and run away.

        If it is some warrior pride BS then I won’t argue.


  12. Just when it was getting interesting it was cut off…
    Thank you so much for the update Bagelson! I’m still craving for more (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) …XD


  13. Thanks for the chapter!
    The cliffhanger… In this chapter there was too much talking and not enough fighting. 😦


  14. Nice chapter! Do pardon if I came across as rude.. I’m an avid reader for the translation! Would like to suggest that 枪 can be translated as lance too, see how it’s made from blue silver grass, to give an even more imposing effect.. Thanks for translation!


  15. Now that I know his 5th spirit ability is “gun-like” thing. I imagined Vash Stampede from Trigun. Maybe calling it overlord cannon is better? Since it’s a gun-like thing.


  16. Lol so much for that spear such a troll chapter title lol xP

    But congratulations on the anniversary Bagelson. Have you graduated to Bagelfather yet? Or better yet Bagel-AllFather.


  17. Thanks a lot!
    Yay—-he defeated Tang Hu! Not that it was in doubt…the 7th elder really had gone toofar, insulting tang san’s mother. Anyway, the common enemy is spirit hall. -shakes head-
    Now for the battle between tang san and the seventh elder—-


  18. Thanks.

    It’s too bad that fighting without killing is the surprisingly the more difficult option for our protagonist. Just kidding, I love it. I want to ‘see’ the elders faces when he uses hidden weapons in an actual battle. I should be tired of the sudden reveal when they realize Tang San is even stronger than they imagined.

    Even more than that, I want to see their reactions to Tang San using the nine upon nine (?) heaven rending (?) clear sky hammer skill.


  19. i just tried to read some of the manga and it just made me angry that they decided to screw it up so badly. they could have at least tried to keep it a little closer to the actual story
    its like they tried to turn it into naruto bleach or dbz


    • They didn’t screw up. I’m pretty sure the author of the manga just hated the author of the novel so, in order to get revenge, he took the novel and turned it into a bad joke. They tried their hardest to sabotage the novel and judging from our reactions, they totally succeeded! Give them props for the flawless revenge plan cuz we have a Douluo Dalu to hate.


    • we? i think only you bro.. most of us would donate even if he decides to quit now…


    • Bagelson has noted he will not take donations that pressure him to translate faster than he is comfortable with. I’m in agreement with that and would do the same if it was me.


    • It’s probably down because of the sheer number of us folks desperately trying to access it in the hopes of seeing a snippet of the next chapter. Although it has been an issue for a week or so in my case. I do remember vaguely that Bagelson said his google drive was getting laggy due to sheer traffic.

      We just need to grin and bear it buddy 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  20. I had a dream last night that 150 was up, when i woke up i wasn’t sure it was a dream so i came to check.
    What a sad morning xD


  21. Ayyyyyy.. I am waiting for 150 I cant calm down 🙈 I think even if you only released one chapter a week you would be faster than the Manwha at the Moment, I am dying while waiting for Updates here and there TwT


  22. I’d be willing to donate to a beer fund for more chapters… Since you are honest about it going to beer.. I’d be willing to give you more


  23. Bagelson, why don’t you try collaborating with wuxiaworld? That oughta make a lot of people very happy, plus the people who want to donate to you get to donate(while you get a beer fund, cuz its not necessary to make sponsored chapters 😉 ), and an additional bonus would be that Ren would have to do bonus chapters for the donations you get *grins evilly* >:D
    (Note:-All donations to other translators on wuxiaworld count towards the CD bonus queue and hence moar chapters for us!)

    JK, its all up to you, but i’d rather like to see a collab between some of the most popular translator groups on the interwebs 😀 *drools*


  24. I dont think Bagelson has a interest in more releases, due the fact that this novel hast arount 330 or so chapters we almost hit the 150 chaptar – as far as i read from his former postings he sees that as a Hobby so i dont believe he would like to add more translators in and stick with the Translation by himself saving up time for this novel.


    • I am assuming that that is a reply to my comment, in which case thanks for replying! Also, by ‘collaboration’ I just mean that the kind of donation system that exists for all the other translators on wuxiaworld would exist for bagelson.
      This would allow people who appreciate his work to donate in order to show appreciation and love 😀
      (He doesnt have to do ‘sponsored’ chapters if he doesnt want to).

      An added bonus would be that all the extra donations which DD would bring would also increase the queue of Coiling Dragon (Another story which a [monster]translator RWX is doing over there.). Basically more sponsored chapters of coiling dragon! And more work for Ren 😛


  25. thanks bagelson your hard work is much appreciated………if anyone like me has been struggling to deal with the waiting, i have started ti read another LN its not as good as DD but its only 40 or so chapters long atm but there is a regular release platform and a schedule that is regularly updated. so if you need to fill the time with something


  26. Even when there is no rush at all, Tang San still never doffs his shirt and jacket before releasing Eight Spider Lances. I think one whole gem of his belt must hold spare shirts…


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