43 thoughts on “April Fools’ 2017

  1. I have no idea how to respond…

    Would good luck work?
    Or would this work? Is this it?

    Seriously unsure…

    Have fun on aprils fools day!! And good night…


  2. As a former nanny let me thank you for not making the ‘joke’ a long drawn out or dirty one. Teenagers should learn to make such jokes as well.


  3. For those of who don’t know, and I’m pretty sure about this, the post itself is the joke. Check last years April Fools. Bagelson is amazing at april fools jokes.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I guess that this joke is for people who get e-mail notifications? Thank god I check this site myself daily else I would be nettled, supper nettled.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. boiiiiiii if i knew where you lived bagelson, your toilet would have ceran wrap just on top of the bowl so tight that you would never know

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I remember one translator made their own chapter for april fools and never deleted or put a note on it and i read without checking when it was posted and rest of story kept wondering how it fits in

    Liked by 2 people

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